Ok so after 2 years dating on and off I met someone who I was genuinely interested in. I don't really know what it was that made me attached as I'm not usually that type but something got me hooked. I'm a 34 year old guy and she a 27 year old, she works in the legal profession and prior to me had been single for quite some time.

Anyway after a month of seeing each other and it going really well we made it official, hey I even got the 'in a relationship' on Facebook which I only saw as a good thing.

I took her to my works awards evening and we went things seem to be heading in the right direction.

Week one I had a warning sign of sorts, after our third date the next day she was completely off with me and then had a go stating I had said something bad over dinner. I apologised and she later did too stating she had overreacted but she has a habit of pushing away someone she really likes.

Anyway forward onto 2 weeks ago. She bought me front row tickets to the theatre for my birthday and all seemed to be going great. The Friday she invited me over to meet the parents the following day which I did. I stayed for dinner, they seemed to really like me (although did say a few times I deserved a medal for putting up with her and they told her off a couple of times when she made fun of me).

2 days later we had a petty row over text, we both got angry. I left things to calm down a day only to see on Fb she changed to single. I tried to sort things out but she refused to talk to me. The next day she changed it again to 'its complicated' and I went mad at her for it. She immediately changed it back. Cut a long story short she said she needed space so I gave it to her.

I got back in touch a week later and apologised for all that happened. She criticised me for a lot which lead me to argue back. She eventually stated she would see me today and we could meet up for dinner.

So today comes and she cancels on me saying it's pointless and nothing will change, and with that it's all over.

I honestly don't understand how it can go from going to well to so bad so quick. Saturday I meet the family then 2 days later it's all over. I spoke to her on the phone today and she was so cold towards me and just plain horrible tbh.

Sorry for the long read but I'm so confused and hurt by it all.