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Thread: I just need to know someone is there

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    I just need to know someone is there

    Last night I was spending time with my girlfriend, and she was showing me a video on her phone. A message popped up, and it read "you have a bf though?".
    I realize how bad this looks. We haven't been dating for very long, but I FELL HARD for this girl. I have only had 1 other "real" relationship, and it was the entire 4 years of high school. She didn't treat me right, and cheated on me multiple times, and I knew. I didn't care, I was a stupid high school boy. I haven't even considered dating anyone for 5 years, until I met this girl I'm dating now.

    Back to now. I became pretty set in my ways. NO SECOND CHANCES. I will not be hurt again like that. After I seen the message I didn't say anything. I didn't really talk for about 10 mins. She noticed I was being quiet (because I was totally lost in my thoughts). She understands how bad that looks. She immediately text back that person (who was also offering her a career) and competely told him off. And we talked about life, and love for about 4 hours.

    She has been through A LOT she has been beaten by boyfriends, cheated on muptital times, and in general treated like shit (similar to how I was treated). We are both 23. Her family absolutely adors me. Her grandma told me some of that stuff, before she did. All of the family I have met, says I am the only one who has treated her like this, and that she is truly happy for the first time in a long time (I was raised to treat a woman like a princess, and I live by that.) I LOVE this girl, and now the only thing going through my mind is that. I'm trying so hard to give her the benifet of the doubt. She has been through that pain, why would she do it to someone else? But on the other end, maybe that's how she thinks things work now.
    I didn't see the rest of the messages, I don't think it's my place to look through a phone no matter the cercumstance. And like I said I'm trying to give her the benifet of the doubt. It's just hard, because I cant go though that pain again.

    I'm not sure what my question truly is. I mainly needed to get my thoughts out of my head. Thanks for reading. If you don't have much to say, please just let me know someone is out there, that understands.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Hey man,

    I really couldn't offer you good advice but... I can only suggest that you talk more about your worries. Keep the communication going.

    I've been through many losses myself, and it's an emotional roller coaster. I made my first topic today about a current issue I'm having, I feel... that if this does fail I'll lose all hope in ever trying again.

    I'm here for you man, I know this reply isn't much but you're not alone.

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