Hi all, so here's the situation I am in and just trying to get as much advice as I can before making any moves.

I have been seeing this guy for five months, not very long I know, but clearly I feel enough for him to not just let this go if I still have a chance to make things right. We met online, against my better judgment. I was always skeptical of meeting this way but was a bit bored and just thought I'd see if I could find people to talk to. His very first contact with me was different that the normal " hey beautiful", "what's up", etc. He started off the conversation with "wow! Is everything in your profile really true!! If so I have to know you!" I was caught off guard but interested so we talked.

We hit it off instantly, there wasn't anything that just didn't just seem "right". We met rather quickly, he came to my house. Of course this all freaked me out, but again it just felt right. Right off the bat he kissed me as soon as I stepped outside. Saying it was the only way he'd know for sure if it was real. To sum this up a bit we were certain at this point we were meant to be. There were too many things to believe otherwise. It felt as if we'd known each other long before actually meeting. We even discussed that if twin flames were real, we had found it.

He met my daughter, friends, and family. I met his son and family as well. Then for some reason my depression kicked into overdrive, I asked for a break because I knew full well if I didn't get space it would get ugly. He never provided me with it. Insisting a break wouldn't solve anything. That he loved me, wanted to marry me, we're meant to be together. So in my true fashion I started pushing. After 6 years in a mentally abusive relationship, it's just all I knew to do.

Obviously this cause great strain on our relationship but he still insisted through it all it was still "us". Then his world starts falling apart as well. Issues with his ex trying to take his son away, and his parents divorcing, issues with work. He felt I wasn't there or supportive enough. Again I tried to explain my mental state and I was doing for him what I could. The fights got uglier. I still couldn't stop my insecurities and pushing even tho losing him never was what I wanted.

One night a couple weeks ago i went out with a friend. In the conversation with her and another person they told me it sounded possible he was seeing someone else. Being depressed and aggitated. I brought that up to him. He became distant. We couldn't talk without fighting at all. I know I really hurt him. I know full well there wasn't anyone else.

After a week of little to no contact, he finally text me said he missed me but wasn't sure if it was a good idea to see each other yet. He said his heart wanted me, to see me, hold me etc but his head was saying give it time. Let her prove what she wants. He came anyway. He told me he still loved me. He stayed the night we held each other, had sex, things seemed normal. The next morning when he left and I told him I loved him he literally choked on his words saying it back. He became distant again and never would say I love you back to me.

I kept my composure throughout a couple days without causing any arguments. Then Tuesday in told him exactly how I felt about him. That I loved him and do in fact want all the things he did regardless of what I had been saying in my depressed state. He told me he wasn't sure we could get it right. He didn't have the butterfly effect anymore. He didn't feel the want to marry me anymore. I told him if he really wanted it to be over he needed to say for certain. And to come tell my daughter goodbye as she is old enough to understand goodbye but not him just disappearing and that I needed the goodbye as well. He responded with anger stating. "Ok, my bad. I'll take all the blame! Don't f***** worry." I told him I wasn't blaming him, my daughter and I just needed the goodbye. He replied " ugh just stop" that's the last I heard from him.

Five days have passed, no word from him. I sent a package to his house with a valentine's gift for his son that I told him previously I got him. A picture my daughter drew, and a card from me. He deleted me from faebook that nignt, but still has me on snapchat. I still have a whole bunch of his clothes here that he hasn't asked for.. input please. What do you think is going on, what should my next move be? Thank you