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Thread: In a awkward not good situation with a girl I like!! Please help me!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    In a awkward not good situation with a girl I like!! Please help me!!!

    Hey everyone, I have just started the evening advanced Photoshop course(1 time a week for the next 8 weeks) and some of the same people came back from the beginners course and and one of them is the girl that I like/fancy and I really really need some help!!

    Basically we have just finished our Christmas break, So we had to change classes rooms for the advance Photoshop course and so we are in a completely different class room this time round and in the beginners course we use to sit right next to each other talking lots and having a laugh and helping each other and having fun and getting on well as good friends do haha. 

    But unfortunately in the Advance Course I arrived early before Sarah(Let's call her that for this post) and the tables was all in 1 row and they was against the wall so we all was facing the wall with our desktops and the projector/board display was behind us and I was sitting the closest to the door closest to the board display, so I was the one that I had to turn around my neck the most to see the board display and it hurt and felt uncomfortable after awhile.

    But while waiting I stupidly thought Sarah would sit next to me but instead she sat on the far end of the table(and where she had a way better view of the board display and not get her neck hurt as much) and the worse thing that strangely she and I did not say hey to each other because she most probably saw me talking to one of the people, So she might of thought "better not interrupt him" and she might of not noticed me while walking in and while she is walking to the far end of the table, she was talking to the teacher, so that most probably why she did not say hi to me and since me and Sarah sat on both ends of the table we was not able to talk to each other and so at the end of the night we did not spoken a single word to each other which it is unusual and a shame!! 

    Luckily there is a chair available right next to her on the far end of table, So I am thinking that I will sit there from next week so I could talk to her again and more importantly I won't get a bad neck by looking at the board display by sitting there on the far end of the table with Sarah and other people.

    To be honest i have myself to blame for some of it because I could of said hello to her right at the beginning after she opened the door to get in the class room and right at the end of the night while we was leaving but in a bad way I was thinking that she did not want to talk to me and did not like me, thought of me as a creep, too strange/weird and too keen and I felt a bit self conscious but really that is all in my head and it is not actually true but I really really should definitely not be thinking that about the girl I like, I really really should not have these thoughts!!!

    Keep in mind I will always get there at the class before Sarah now because my Mum's college course starts about 15 minutes before mine.

    Before the Christmas break, I asked her Facebook to keep in touch(just in case she decides not to go the advance course but luckily she did haha )and all so to ask her to meet up during the Christmas break and so she said her name but unfortunately I could not remember and did not write it down so I was not able to find her on Facebook and I thought about asking her number but I choose not to because my mom and dad told me no to because i "haven't gotten to know her long enough yet" crap like that'. 

    So I thought asking her Facebook would be the better option and since I did not know that weather Sarah was coming back to the advance Photoshop course or not and not able to find her on Facebook, And I really really did not expect her to come back to avoid big disappointment! So I came to the sad conclusion that I will never ever going to see her ever again sadly but luckily Sarah has come back to do the Advance Photoshop course!! 

    Yes I do feel very happy about the very very fact Sarah decided to do the advance Photoshop course but I feel sadden about this whole situation at the moment because of what happened this week and I really really want things to get back to normal by starting next week with Sarah which I will make sure but I really really wished that we stayed in the class that we had the beginners course so right now I definitely would not have this problem right now, I blame the college for this!!! 

    And as my birthday is coming up in a month time I really really would like to invite Sarah to my Birthday but at the moment that it has put me in doubt because of what happened this week above.

    As I said above, Starting next week I am going to sit in chair that is available next to her!!!

    So I really really need some help, Can anyone give some good advice on what to do please?? What would you do if you was in my situation?? Sit in the next chair next to her next time?? Am I overreacting/overthinking?? And girls depending if you like the guy and the guy wants to keep talking and wants to keep sitting next to you and and having a good laugh with you and playful touching like high fives basically things the guy who likes/fancy you does, Would you think the guy is a creep not a creep??

    I like/fancy this girl Sarah quite a lot, I still think we are still good friends despite what happened this week and She is really pretty and attractive, She's funny, very easy going and we get on well, we have things in common and have a good laugh, have fun and I am interested meeting up and hanging out outside of college to get to know her better and I would like her to be my girlfriend in the near future(but that is not important to me at the moment due to what happened this week).

    Help me please!! Any help and advice is greatly appreciated!! 

    Massive thanks!!!
    Last edited by billy1995fifa; 23-01-17 at 05:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    San Francisco, CA
    ummm ok... well i have to be honest. i don't see that she has interest in you all that much here.
    sounds like she didn't respond to your fb comments and that's a big hint.
    another hint is she didn't acknowledge you in advanced class (a girl that's intersted would make sure you knew she noticed and would not let an opportunity to say 'hi' slip).

    asking her to your birthday party when yo have had zero contact or discussions outside of class WOULD sorta be creepy. as might suddenly sitting next to her again when you were on the other side of the room. so be careful..

    remember that dating and relatinships is not about what you want or how much you're attracted to person A.. but it's about your rapport with them and how you get along - relative to how she gets along with "most people". and in that regard, i don't see that there is anything more advanced between her reactions to you vs "everybody else". but .. there is never a problem with you asking her out. just build up slowly and make it something not so involved first (do not make it your birthday party as the first invite!).

    in this case asking to study together is a good start.
    if she's interested in getting coffee or a slice of pizza maybe - but only if you have bene talking in class and it was going well. (as in . not that she is responding to yo.. but is INTERESTED in you.. b/c she is asking questions about you and wanting to learn about you - that's how you can tell).

    sorry for the not so positive outlook but.. i want you to succeed and not fail. you have to build up something with her first and notice her sitting next to you, saing hi to you (and not just responding when you say hi) and asking about you and wanting to know about you. when you get to that point - then yo know she's in and when you ask shell say yes.

    good luck!

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