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Thread: 7 great dates, but how can I get her to communicate better and initiate more?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    7 great dates, but how can I get her to communicate better and initiate more?

    I've been on about 7 great dates with a gal. But our communication and her effort in our relationship is bothering me.

    First off, I am always initiating contact and setting up dates. I would like it to start being 50/50, is that too much to ask?

    Second, I wish she would be more responsive when texting. So, we planned to go Disneyland the other day, and I reached out to her the day before at around noon to let her know I bought tickets. I then texted again later around 6pm to see if she wanted to meet at my place. She was was out the whole night with some friends and did not respond at all (I know she was on her phone because she was active on social media). I had to call again in the morning to confirm. What I am upset about is that she didn't send me a single text the previous day, I mean a simple 'yea sure' would've been ok. She and I both don't like when we ask a question via text and don't get a response. Yet, here she is ignoring my texts.

    We've been dating for a month and half, but are not exclusive or anything yet. Is this ok to bring up with her now? I don't want to come off as needy/clingy. I just want better communication and effort.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Interesting. Im in same situation as you and feel about the same way. Want to know what advice will you get. I stopped texting girl since she didnt responded last time. Now will wait for a week till she starts to miss me and text me first. (I hope)

    P.S. Lol we are about same age too lol.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Minnesota, United States
    Well, as a guy, it's moreso your job to setup dates.
    Women don't really want to have to do that, but it's pretty sweet when women do make recommendations and help you out a bit.
    But I wouldn't really expect that.

    If the dates are great, personally I wouldn't shake the boat. In regards to the text, eh, if she was out with friends, I wouldn't hassle it, she was out having fun, probably got home late and possibly didn't want to wake you by sending a text. I agree, it's kinda rude if someone doesn't respond to a text for a long time, like over 24 hours. But.
    Be patient.

    It is important to be aware how much the other person cares about the relationship .
    Personally, women that are "eh" about things, they aren't fun to go out with. They hold back, and it just makes for less of a good time.

    The best women are the ones that start reaching out to you, and make it easy. It's fun when they send a little text just to let you know they're thinking about you as well.

    But different strokes for different folks.

    Forming expectations can be a problem as well.

    She might just not be SUPER into you. That's my honest guess.
    Which it happens. Maybe the chemistry is a little off for her.

    In fact, I would say that's probably the case. I mean, you shouldn't have had to call the next day. She already got your text.
    So I would have waited. Give it 24 hours, everybody has time to respond to a text. If she never responds, she wasn't that into you.
    And unfortunately that means you're stuck with tickets to an event , but it happens.

    I would think it's okay when you're out with her just to ask her how she feels about things. Just say "Hey, how are you feeling things? I really enjoy spending time with you, and maybe im overthinking things but sometimes I'm just not sure if it's completely mutual. I just want to make sure we're on the same page."

    I don't think that's needy. That's you basically expressing that you want to be with someone that mutually cares about you. You've been together for a month and a half.
    I mean, do people really want to invest their time with someone that doesn't really care that much whether you're around or not?

    Personally I don't. I would prefer to be with someone that feels lucky to have me, and I mutually feel the same way.
    Last edited by GLYC; 19-12-17 at 04:32 AM.

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