Does anyone out there know ANYTHING AT ALL that will help at all with my stretchmarks???
They're terrible and I'm 19 I should be able to wear cute clothes and bathing suits and things and I cant!!!!
And laser surgery is about $2,500...grrrr
Does anyone out there know ANYTHING AT ALL that will help at all with my stretchmarks???
They're terrible and I'm 19 I should be able to wear cute clothes and bathing suits and things and I cant!!!!
And laser surgery is about $2,500...grrrr
It's a product of pregnancy my dear. There's much much that can be done about them. My sister had a child at 19, and she had huge stretchmarks from her stomach all the way down her legs. They never went away, but eventually they faded to sort of a shiny white. She's 26 now, she still wears cute stuff.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi
Look for products made with cocoa butter.
I should've said that there's little you can do at THIS stage. You're already eight months along, right? I've heard that rubbing vitamin E oil on your stomach over the course of the pregnancy can help prevent them a LITTLE. But you need to start early on.
I've also heard if you're genetically predisposed to stretch marks, then you're going to get them. I've accepted this....both my mom and my sister were pretty bad.
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi
Yea...I'm already eight months....and my mom and sister both have them too...they were pretty bad but mine are SUPER red...theyres are just the whitish ones...I dont know I just dont like that I've got them all over my stomach and sides and my legs and the back of my legs all the way down the back of my I cant even wear shorts and I live in Texas and am hot all the time anyways....I've tryed the cocoa butter but it didnt seem to do anything
Another good reason to stay away from women who had kids.
"Why are you an atheist?"
"because I paid attention in science class."
I got stretch marks from a growth spurt or something and I'M A GUY. Lotion really seemed to help, cleared them up within a few days.
I use Suave Skin Therapy Vitamin E moisturizer.
I think stretch mark won't be gone unless you want to have it laser. Actually you can avoid having stretch marks. When you feel that your tummy is itching, don't scratch it. Just touch your tummy again and again until itching will gone. That's what my bestfriend did. She have 3 kids but no stretch marks.
It's a genetic problem. If your family has them, you are going to get them. There is nothing you can do to stop the process other than to avoid circumstances that stretches your skin out. If these are pregnancy-related, they will fade, but once they are there, they aren't going away. Sorry.
Skirts are comfortable in hot weather and cover them up.
thats not very nice of you only-virgins!!!!!
Mammasara, taking OV seriously is a waste of time. He's always got something crazy to say, it's better to laugh it off.
..::.*Love is giving someone the ability to break your heart but trusting them not to*.::..
i actually work at a pharmacy, the vitamin E stuff is where its at. There should be products with vitamin E oils in it which are the best, one brand i know is bio - oil but no idea how big this company is or if its only a regional thing.