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Thread: Confusing Situation With My Best Friend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Confusing Situation With My Best Friend

    I have been best friends with a guy for about a year now. His friends had teased that he fancied me because he never usually pays so much attention to a girl (we are in the same sports club). He always helps me out and lends me things. We never had much physical contact – I have hugged him once to thank him for a birthday present. But other than that there have only been small things like brushing hands. I had the small thought that he may like me but is just very shy when showing his feelings.

    However, one night on a sports event trip we were sharing a tent and ended up play fighting (tickling each other) and somehow this ended up with us laying together hugging and holding hands. We took it in turns to listen to each other’s heartbeats and write words on each other’s backs.. which felt so romantic. He was stroking my hair and kept repeating my name as he rested on my chest. At one point I was laid on top of him and he had his hands around my waist and was circling his fingers along my bum/thigh– I wanted him so bad! He was just in his underwear as I was in a vest and shorts and we were both turned on by the close contact. But weirdly throughout this we didn’t kiss or do anything sexual. I am so confused because it felt as though we were in a comfortable relationship, but jumping from no physical contact to this all of a sudden is really confusing.
    The next day we didn’t speak about it and it was as though nothing had happened which is driving me mad! We play fighted a little bit and then we hugged goodbye. But that’s it.

    What can I do from here? I can’t imagine what I’d say to him in a conversation about it. I wanted to kiss him when hugging goodbye but it just didn’t feel like the right moment – I’m quite shy when I like someone – the other night seemed so full on...but it was as though we had missed a vital step. Help!

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    hey that sounds like a real pickle but i was in the same sort of thing when my bestfriends sister became my gf after a prom date .. so here's 2 ways you could go about this

    i would talk to him about what happened and say look this is how i feel but if its not how you feel i dont want it to effect our friendship

    or the next time you see him start acting like your dating by starting slow because you skipped a step start by brushing hands and grab his hand and you will know right away if its what he wants trust me lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    United States
    I agree with the above post, talk to him and let him know you think you'd like to try and take the friendship beyond friends, but if he doesn't feel the same way, you don't want to ruin the friendship. I know that is a hard conversation to have, but it's better than spending a lot of time wondering what is going on in his head.

    More than likely he is shy also.

    Good luck. :-)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yeah... if that happened with my best friend... which it never would, he's like a brother to me... I would talk to him about what happened. How to start the conversation... maybe you could ask the forum to help you with that part. It's easy for everyone to say... "Just talk to him". But it harder to figure out how to initiate the conversation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    United States
    You are right. It is a tough conversation because it can be awkward before during and after.

    What if you started with "hey remember that night on the last trip when we were messing around ..... (and then teasingly say) does that mean we are dating?"

    or start the conversation the same way and instead say "I really like being with you that night."

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