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Thread: Guys, harassment complaint at work?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Not of this Earth
    Quote Originally Posted by kevin32 View Post
    Guys, ever been involved in a harassment complaint at work? Or knew of someone who got a harassment complaint filed against him? What happened and how were you able to keep your job?
    Sexual Harassment is a zero tolerance offense.
    Even being merely accused of it warrants automatic termination unless you have an ignorant boss
    who loves lingering liabilities to continue to perpetuate in the workplace.

    That said I was able to save my job via a transfer.
    The kicker was: we were in a sexual based relationship (without a commitment) but apparently she was in love
    with me while I just went onto the next piece of meat. Needless to say about a woman scorned, right?

    The lesson learned: Don't shit where you sleep.
    Meaning don't get involved with ANY co-workers.
    Don't touch them, don't even look at them for more than a second when you greet.
    A maniacal opportunist will use it to her advantage and BAM -you're out of a job-

    However if you inappropriately touched her, OR keep looking at her like a stalker: You reap what you sow.
    When you're an attractive man: looking and even flirting is cool.
    When you're not: human resources gets a phone call.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Thanks for responding. Just curious if there's any guys out there that went through this and how it worked out.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    At a big company, you won't be fired on the spot. There will be a process in place. Generally, several meetings with HR. Male or female, you will have a chane to give your side of the story and the other person theirs. Any witnesses will be allowed to join the process. Unless your harassment was serious enough for the victim to also press charges, it will often be a warning.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Texarkana, AR
    Quote Originally Posted by SelflessnHumble View Post
    When you're an attractive man: looking and even flirting is cool.
    When you're not: human resources gets a phone call.
    I actually got into trouble at work once for saying that very thing.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Los Angeles, U.S.A
    Usually someone get canned when 2 or more girls come and complain about a certain guy depending on his looks and expectations. For example, this supervisor who is not that attracted thought he was God's gift to women and started messing with girls while working. When he flirted with a girl and if they flirted back, he would give them the chance to go home early. If he flirted with one and she did not respond back, he would give them more work so at the end of the day he had another shot to get very close.
    He was known to tell girls to hang out with him after work to talk about "work", even girls who already had boyfriends. So one day 2 girls went to the head manager and the next day he was gone.
    If this guy was really hot, then I would think that the girls would of enjoyed this a long with work.

    my opinion.
    To be or not to be?

    Is that the question?

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Nice Lover Boy View Post
    Usually someone get canned when 2 or more girls come and complain about a certain guy depending on his looks and expectations. For example, this supervisor who is not that attracted thought he was God's gift to women and started messing with girls while working. When he flirted with a girl and if they flirted back, he would give them the chance to go home early. If he flirted with one and she did not respond back, he would give them more work so at the end of the day he had another shot to get very close.
    He was known to tell girls to hang out with him after work to talk about "work", even girls who already had boyfriends. So one day 2 girls went to the head manager and the next day he was gone.
    If this guy was really hot, then I would think that the girls would of enjoyed this a long with work.

    my opinion.
    Umm, no. Being required to flirt with a supervisor to avoid punishment of extra work? Being pressured to hang out with the supervisor after work? Nope, what the dude looked like was irrelevant, he was illegally using his position to sexually harass women. That's really bad. When I was talking about getting a warning, I was talking about some peer making a hostile work environment with sexual inuendo or jokes that aren't appreciated. Any time a work superior uses his position like you describe, he should expect to be canned as quickly as a couple of his victims decide to contact HR.

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