So, this girl and I went together to a ball together. We got along really well and things hit off. We didn't really do anything serious just made out the next day. She lives about 2 hours away but I am there every weekend. After she left I texted her and I guess I over did the texting over the next couple days. For the first few days we talked allot but after that she stopped being responsive and after trying for a bit I stopped. One of her friends messaged a friend of mine saying that I need to ease up on the messages. She texted me today, saying that she's going through allot of stresses in her life and its all overwhelming, I hope you can respect my space and I hope we can be friends. She needs to go to counselling about what happened and her feelings. (her ex cheated on her) She says she's confused and needs to figure things out. I have decided to stop messaging her and wait for her to message me. As well I will not be going back to her area for another 2 weeks. I was wondering if there is any chance of getting another shot, or if I wanted to meet her, how to go about it? I was hoping I could restart those 3 days some how, cause I'd like to give this a shot however, and I guess my talkative personality kinda scared her. Any hope?