I really like this girl and have never felt this way about someone in my life (we are both seniors). In the past 4 months, we have gone from friends, to close friends, to really close friends in which I fell for her really hard and developed serious feelings for her , I tell her how I feel and she says she likes me too but not now and maybe in the future because past guys have hurt her(she has told me what she meant by "hurt" so I know what she has gone though) and she wanted us to get to know each other better so she could be sure before committing. We got even closer to the point where it felt like we were together and things were going great, but then she ignores me for two weeks until we get back to school and sit next to each other in two classes and she acts like nothing weird ever happened. BUT, for some reason,(maybe it was that I stopped chasing her after the third day of being ignored), she got the idea in her head that I did not like her anymore and started seriously talking to another guy (he ended things before they ever got serious though because she has a physical condition he felt he would not be able to handle). I know all this because she texted me at one in the morning two weeks ago asking why I use to like her. I told her I never stopped liking her and then gave her practically an essay on why I like her. She avoided the part about me still liking her and just said that she was curious. Eventually she told me about the last guy and and that after the last two serious guys ending things because of physical reasons, she wanted to reassure herself that it was "personality that mattered most" (I understand she used me as an ego boost).

But now, it seems like she may have feelings for me. I met her parents last week at her house and they knew A LOT about me before we had even met so obviously she has been talking about me a lot. I visited her at work and one of her coworkers( a mutual friend that graduated last year), her and this other girl are somewhat close and talk a fair amount, randomly decided to bring up prom(which is a month away) and was very obviously hinting that I should ask her after I said I did not know who I was asking. Some of her close friends have randomly decided to befriend me at school and even her little brother, who I have only ever met once, now says hi to me at school. I know she talks about me to others because a couple of my friends have heard from their girlfriends of her talking about me and they are convinced she is into me. There is just a bunch of little things here and there that have given me the idea that she may have started to like me as more than a friend now but she still does things that would say otherwise which has left me horribly confused.

Part of me wants to tell her again how I feel and force a straight answer from her so I can reach closure, whether its good or bad.
Another part of me says to wait and see where things go just in case I am wrong and she has not developed feelings for me.
And the last part of me says that I should let her take imitative this time. I have told her how I feel on multiple occasions and have never received a straight answer so I should let her do it this time.

What should I do?