With me, I either get angry for a very good reason, or for a very stupid reason, there is no in between with me, unfortunately.
I can't remember ever being mad at my last SO for a valid reason. I got mad at her for cutting her hair a little, for not talking to me for a few hours one day. Stupid shit really.
But when I do get angry, I either ignore them and try and make them feel bad by making it look like I'm emotionally devistated by what they've done or I go off the handle and yell, berade and insult them to no end. When I'm angry with someone, my ultimate goal is to make them feel aweful, weither it be by my being hurt, or by them being hurt.

The truth of it all is it's terrible for me and is why I lost my fiance, my best friend and almost lost my other best friend. It's an aweful way to treat people no matter the situation and I would not reccomend it in any way, shape or form.

Of course I have an 'excuse' if you will for my behavior though, as I am bi-polar. Now I said 'excuse' because it's not a real excuse, but a way to put the blame on something other than one's self when they know what they are doing is truely wrong, even though they have a disorder that hightens the chance of an emotional explosion.