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Thread: religion

  1. #16
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    You should probably talk to this girl yourself instead of getting all your information from your friend.

  2. #17
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    i wouldnt know what she is, all i know is some sort of christian. i dont even know the difference of any of em, lol. to the last post ^^, i work graveyard, and she works days, so its hard to talk to anyone, unless i go in on a day off, which i probably will do sometime in the next week or so

  3. #18
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    I'm not trying to offend any hardcore Christians who might be posting here, but I think you should know that there are HUGE differences in the different Christian denominations. Some of them are totally cool; and some of them get freaky-tiki weird. You should find out what kind she is.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    I'm not trying to offend any hardcore Christians who might be posting here, but I think you should know that there are HUGE differences in the different Christian denominations. Some of them are totally cool; and some of them get freaky-tiki weird. You should find out what kind she is.
    Very true. I dated an "ABC" (American Baptist Convention) and she (not going to generalize)...but she and I didn't see "eye to eye" on things. Looking back, yeah she personally was a troubled person, but she wasn't immoral or anything.

    Personally, I prefer Catholics or Eastern Orthodox...but that's just me.

  5. #20
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    yea i know theres plenty difference between them all, but i just dont pay too much attention to them to know

  6. #21
    vashti's Avatar
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    If you are thinking of dating an extremely religious girl, you'd better start paying attention. She might be dragging your ass off to some sort of abortion rally or "god hates fags" protest march.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  7. #22
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    yeah - I prefer lapsed or not catholic/orthodox too. you know your average Christian, evangelical Christians and similar freak me out. it's like they are on drugs praising the lord all the time.

  8. #23
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    I think you should give it a try.

    Just the fact that she is religious doesn't rule her out as a nice person.

    only time will tell

  9. #24
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    Just don't take the name of the Lord in vain, or she'll slap you.
    Spammer Spanker

  10. #25
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    dude... go forward, dont give up
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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgp View Post
    i was talking to my friend at work today, and he told me about this girl (who i have a crush on) is really religious. i mean really religous in that she is home school, slapped some guy at work for cussing, and was brought up to believe that man is superior. now, not that i have anything against that theory i personally am against religion. not that i dont believe in god or anything, i just haate the idea of having a book telling me how to live my life, like i dont know good from bad. but, i wont get into that here. anyways, she seems like the ordinary girl, parts or whatever. so, opinions? if you are religous, would you date someone who isnt as religous as you are? should i just give up on this girl now?
    agree. After i acknowledge science my belief in god faded. I still do believe but only to an extent. I have been in your situation and ended up in a break up. Hey but its just me, every one is different.

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