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Thread: Is he ignoring me?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Mediterranean Island
    The f*ckin bastard dumped me. He said he can't live this way because he's continuously thinking about my past. And guess what? He wants to remain friends and wants me to keep going to his place because he loves me too much to let go of me. Does any of this makes sense? If he loves me shouldn't he just try to accept my past? I'm so sad

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Mediterranean Island

    We met and talked it through. We both wept - me because I don't want to be without him and he because he loves me but thinks that we don't have a future together because of my past.

    In the end we agreed that we keep on meeting less frequently, about once a week on dates...no ties between us but at the same time we agreed that we'll not go out with anyone else. He wants this because he wants to try to think less about me (??) but at the same time he wants to keep seeing me.

    So far so good, we spent the rest of the evening really well and we parted on good terms. However the next day when I texted him, he was very distant, even today. No more nice words, no more kisses, no more 'I love you'. Just a short text, replying my questions in the shortest way possible. Is he just trying to push me away or he really doesn't care?

    I talked with some people and some said that maybe he's afraid of commitment, another said he just wants you to sleep with you, another that maybe he wants to break up with me but is putting it in an easier way...I'm so confused!! Men are such complicated creatures!

    Now, if this situation keeps going on long, only two things can result, or we drift apart or we get back together.

    Any help deciphering all this please??

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    what a bunch of bullshit drama.

    i wouldn't even deal with it. can't deal with my past, then see ya!

    why are you letting this person make you feel like shit? my guess is that you enjoy drama in your life. is this true?
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by babsetta View Post

    In the end we agreed that we keep on meeting less frequently, about once a week on dates...no ties between us but at the same time we agreed that we'll not go out with anyone else. He wants this because he wants to try to think less about me (??) but at the same time he wants to keep seeing me.

    Any help deciphering all this please??
    This Does. Not. Work. EVER.

    Why, oh why, are you doing this to yourself. Stop and think, he can't deal with your past--is that a recent realization on his part? Did he wake up one morning and say "Hmmm...I don't think her past is good for me?" or was he looking for a reason to distance himself?

    He met someone else and is waiting to see whether or not he is going to be able to hook up with her or not. He wants to keep you around in case his plan doesn't work he can just pick back up with you.

    Beat him to the punch and ditch him. Very simple.

    Don't put up with crap. Man, I wish I could spray paint that in big red letters on the front page of this forum.
    There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved with a suitable application of high explosives.

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