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Thread: Friends to More?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by steelsword View Post

    Me: Don't be sad hun *hugs* My weekends are pretty lonely too. I'd love to spend them with you

    At this point she hasn't yet responded so I assume her friend arrived for them to go to dinner....
    Ok. I read this whole text conversation, and the bold lines really stood out to me. I know your intentions were to be friendly and there for her, but I have a feeling she read the part of "My weekends are pretty lonely too. I'd love to spend time with you." that as being too strong, as silly as that is. She knows you have feelings for her, and at this moment in time, she isn't in the mood to maybe complicate things by hanging out with you just yet. Again, I say I know your intentions aren't to make things complicated for her, but just to be her friend, yet it's all in the way you word things. Maybe try to give an even more "just friends" response by telling her "If ever you need a friend to hang with or chat with to keep your mind off things, I'm here. I'm good company and a good listener." I hope I didn't confuse you. Only trying to help you.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Perhaps so. But the words still ring true. I guess I've never 100% gotten over her. Probably because she was the first woman to make feel like I ever meant anything to her/had a shot with her.

    Actually, my intentions are to be a friend somewhat, but also hoping she'll decide to be with me. I know that's highly unlikely, but it's not like I have any other options right now.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Some more info I neglected to provide...sometimes she'll be flirty with me, sometimes not. Like the other day when she asked me how I was, I told her that I was "in the mood" and she said I needed to get laid, and laughed and then said that no she wasn't volunteering. I'm not sure what to make of that, if anything.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Sorry for the bad news, but the "Friend Zone" is a tough cookie to be in. Once, you're there for a certain woman...you're usually there to stay. As GigaBitch said, why not use your energy elsewhere? Talk to different girls, Don't waste time telling her you have "lonely times" and would "love to spend time with her". Comes off wrong, especially is she has already said she's not interested that way. There are 3 BILLION more man, go get one! From the sounds of your posts it seems as if she is the "Main" target. Don't let it be that way.
    You're young have fun experience new girls and learn the way to get the ones you are attracted to! Don't waste time on something that most likely won't happen. And hint hint : Once you spend your time with other girls, she'll want your attention again. (Don't give into it immediately though) lol. But seriously, treat yourself as a prize and don't give yourself out so easy (without being an asshole). Learn that for the next young lady that might come along. She'll appreciate it if you uphold yourself like this. Trust me.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Well I don't exactly have the easiest time with meeting women, being somewhat shy/introverted. But I have been talking to a girl online so we'll see. Nothing to get too excited about just yet.

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