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Thread: Angry ex.... :/

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pettit-Papillon View Post
    I give You advise on that police thing, even if he goes there or not , You do it. keep the messenges from him where he admit he sold You his car and is blackmailing You and go to police. I hate such jerks.

    I will, thankyou PP. I think it was just him in anger - I doubt he would even do such a thing - he'd probably get done for wasting police time anyways...but I have saved the message in case xx
    Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same. -- Anon

  2. #17
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lava_twilight View Post
    I will, thankyou PP. I think it was just him in anger - I doubt he would even do such a thing - he'd probably get done for wasting police time anyways...but I have saved the message in case xx
    Better safe than sorry
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  3. #18
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    Yeah because that is some bullshit.
    It's okay for him to move on...
    But when you step out there he goes bizerk...
    Hahaha you got him going crazy!

    I am with Giga and Vash on this one!

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lava_twilight View Post
    Sounds pathetic, but he was my best friend.
    It does not sound pathetic... My girlfriend is my best friend too.. I think it is best if the one you are together with is your best friend - it just seem more natural...

    But, if you would let me give you an advice, then find someone you can talk to about this whole mess... Someone you trust... It is important that you talk about it, get it out of your system.. crying is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strong feelings and (usually) great hurt... And if it is so hard to talk about, then it is even more important that you do talk to someone... And no, us, in here, are not going to cut it... The human mind has a hard time accepting non-human things (e.g. a computer with letters), so you need to find a real live person to talk to... Especially if you are as alone as you sound like.. So please, for your own sake, go talk to your mother.. tell her all about it, every single hurt that you have suffered... Just let it out...
    Feelings are powerful things - they override our minds and our bodies, as if trying to control us. We are but mere vessels for them to carry out their will.

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  5. #20
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    Very true. My ex fiance was my best friend too. He helped me through some of the worst days of my life. I could tell him anything and everything. We were just like that. It's not pathetic to have the connection with someone you used to love and want to spend the rest of your life with.

  6. #21
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    Thanks Romantigoth, I will. I'm not terribly close to my family, through no fault of theirs, just me and my silly ways not letting anyone (even family) getting close. I should have told my Mum when it first happened, not months later...but that's just me. I bottle everything up and one day I crack....and now, I can't stop the hurt or tears even at work/whilst driving/out for a run :/ Argh!

    I mean pathetic as in, looking back, I shouldn't have relied on him for everything and to be all the different kind of people in one, that I should have had from an outside friends/family network. He was it. I think it's wonderful to be in a relationship with your best friend and admire any relationship that works like that. Just looking back, he's hardly being the best friend I knew and loved for so long, he's like a total stranger now, which is probably why the rejection and anger from him is affecting me more than it probably should....
    Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same. -- Anon

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lava_twilight View Post
    Also, I paid £2000 for the car, would love to just dump it on his drive, but need it for work
    Can you prove that? If so, take him to small claims court. I would.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lava_twilight View Post
    Just looking back, he's hardly being the best friend I knew and loved for so long, he's like a total stranger now, which is probably why the rejection and anger from him is affecting me more than it probably should....
    Exactly. He's being worse than a bad friend. He's turned himself into an enemy.
    Spammer Spanker

  8. #23
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    Thats what I don't understand GB, why he's turned on me like this - I'd understand if I had been cheating on him...he'd have reason to be angry!

    I can't prove it at all, no receipt nothing - didn't have cause to get anything like this as I never saw things getting nasty between us. Its not like I even just transfered the money from my account to his & can prove it that way....meh. And as he still owns the car...it leaves me in an awkard situation :/
    Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same. -- Anon

  9. #24
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    Who cares why he turned on you.
    Focus on how you are going to get that car.
    The rest is history.
    He's being immature and childish.
    I would ignore his behavior.

  10. #25
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    It takes time for ex's to be friendly in a casual manner. Everyone has to heal and you (him) can only do that without seeing/knowing anything.

    Forget the car and disappear from this guy's line of sight. Maybe down the road he'll make it right with you financially. If not, then you know his true colors as a person and it's best to be done with it in every way.

  11. #26
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    He was probably in denial about the reality of the situation until you moved on, then it all came crashing down on him like a ton of bricks.
    Spammer Spanker

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    He was probably in denial about the reality of the situation until you moved on, then it all came crashing down on him like a ton of bricks.
    Ya, even when I've moved on and let go, the last thing I want to see is her and a new guy snuggling up at dinner or walking into a movie etc al..

    I think Facebook and Myspace are torturing these people needing to move on. They're constantly looking for updates on the other persons life and get stabbed in the heart.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Primo View Post
    I think Facebook and Myspace are torturing these people needing to move on. They're constantly looking for updates on the other persons life and get stabbed in the heart.
    Totally true. Un-friending on Facebook should be a given when you break up.
    Spammer Spanker

  14. #29
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    Thanks guys *removing oneself from line of fire*

    I'm going to totally let him do what he wants from now on, let him have his little boy hissy-fit. And maybe, when he's grown up enough to have an adult conversation I will entertain it. He's not worth the heart ache, I know that. And Myspace and Facebook are great means of communication ect, just not when it comes to breakups...then, it totally sucks! I'm so glad I unfriended him, I can't imagine the amount of problems I would have had with him checking up on me!!
    Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same. -- Anon

  15. #30
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    I just don't see how he can be this angry with you just because you're hanging out with someone else...he's the one who broke up with you. Are there any other reasons?

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