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Thread: Drunken hook up or a chance at something more?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    1) Do NOT take a job as a telemarketer. You'll suck bad.

    2) Do NOT text her anymore. At the risk of showing my age, for goodness sake giving her a call and asking her out is NOT bothering the hell outta her. It's normal.

    3) CALL HER and tell her if she agrees to a date NOW you'll throw in a free box of OxiClean powder, and of she kisses you at the end there a bottle of the Kaboom spray and a japanese vegetable steamer. But she must order now.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by hopefulunsure View Post
    1) Do NOT take a job as a telemarketer. You'll suck bad.

    2) Do NOT text her anymore. At the risk of showing my age, for goodness sake giving her a call and asking her out is NOT bothering the hell outta her. It's normal.

    3) CALL HER and tell her if she agrees to a date NOW you'll throw in a free box of OxiClean powder, and of she kisses you at the end there a bottle of the Kaboom spray and a japanese vegetable steamer. But she must order now.
    1) Actually I've been a Sales Manager for the last 7 years and do pretty well believe it or not, so I think I'd do alright

    2) I don't txt her. The only time I did was after she ignored my call and sent me a text saying she was sick. I sent one back saying feel better and call me this weekend.

    3) I tried to call her and I got the feeling I was getting blown off. Calling her again seems too pushy. If she wants to hang out she can call me. I made an effort and my intentions clear. I'm not going to waste time and energy chasing without any kind of hint that it will go anywhere. I like this girl, but I'm not going to get my hopes up just to be let down. If she just wanted a one night thing then I'll just be happy with that and move on. Like I said someone else out there DOES want to go out with me.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I would be giving you the cold shoulder too if you put your dick in me and didn't call for DAYS. It's been laid out for you pretty clearly- you disrespected her by not calling for so long. The message she got was that she was nothing more than a booty call to you. No wonder she's not jumping up and down with joy.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    I would be giving you the cold shoulder too if you put your dick in me and didn't call for DAYS. It's been laid out for you pretty clearly- you disrespected her by not calling for so long. The message she got was that she was nothing more than a booty call to you. No wonder she's not jumping up and down with joy.

    Fair enough, and you may very well be right. It may be all my fault in which case I will just have to chalk it up to a learning experience. It wasn't my intention to give her that impression, but if my stupidity or lack of experience was the cause then so be it. I work weekends and called her on my first day off so it wasn't like I kept her waiting for weeks.

    Or... maybe a drunken one night stand is all she wanted? I mean, is it that hard to fathom that she was just drunk and looking for a good time? I know I'm interested in a date, but I'm also not too conceited and arrogant to think that maybe she isn't. Maybe the hook up was all she wanted?

    Either way it seems like there is no way to make a date happen now so I have no other options than to just move on. I called her up and asked her out at like 5pm so she knew it wasn't a booty call and she rejected me. I'm not going to keep calling and make myself seem desperate (there's always next Halloween lol), and I'm not going to get my hopes up and hold my breath till she calls. Either I ****ed up or she just wasn't interested from the get go.

    Do I like her? YES. If she called me out of the blue this weekend and wanted to hang out I would drop what I'm doing and go, but at the same time I'm not going to get myself worked up for something that will probably never happen and it just seems to me that calling her again is not the right move. I could very well be wrong (wouldn't be the first time lol) but I just feel like the ball is in her court now. If she likes me too she'll call. If not, no big deal. I'll find someone else.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    You really think that calling her one more time would make you seem desperate? Your pride is bigger than your heart.
    Spammer Spanker

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