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Thread: Are we men actually capable of loving someone till the day we die?

  1. #16
    qwertz's Avatar
    qwertz is offline Chav hater
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    There is an "ask a male" section.

    You sound like a prick and you probably are a prick, but if you are young there is hope for you yet.

    You will probably meet someone one day that you will have no trouble loving unconditionally...just maybe when you are a bit older.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by sookie6 View Post
    Have you asked yourself ifyou are capable of 'caring' for someone else than yourself..
    You're trying to make me look as a complete heartless person which I am far from. I care alot about my friends and my family , I have my sisters beautiful face tattoed on my back , I am the co-founder of the cancer society in my college which helps people who have lost or have people close to them suffering from cancer, of whom I am one of , by the way. This thread is about having problems with finding love, due my personality traits. So don't try to make me look like a monster please.

  3. #18
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    You are young with a young horny guys brain. In time your priorities and your views about life, women and relationships will change as you learn, grow, and mature. Of couse it's possible to love someone til you die. It's called finding "The one" your "soul mate". Those are the very luckiest of people. Some never do because they settle for what they have got for they fear that's the best they can do.....which can leave you with regret. But since you are only 22 you still should be enjoying your youth while you can and stop worrying about it. Just enjoy what life has to offer...by having different experiences, and adventures they could very well lead you to finding "the one"

  4. #19
    Junket's Avatar
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    Some of these girls have a wolf pack mentality.

    Dogs have a tendency to gang up on a member when they see their peers initiate the attack, even if they are best buddies.

    Tell them to go sit on a dildo.

  5. #20
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    ..haha ..

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by sookie6 View Post
    Have you asked yourself ifyou are capable of 'caring' for someone else than yourself....
    Young and susceptible...look..this was a genuine question...if you are able to care for family, friends etc...then yes one day you will fall in love.
    "Oh I could spend my life having this conversation. Look, please try to understand before one of us dies"

    Quote Originally Posted by Yet another guy View Post
    It's just plain simpler to view the world as black and white rather than probabilistic shades of gray.

  7. #22
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    Thanks, hopefully.

  8. #23
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    Course men are capable of love.
    At 22, I wouldn't expect you to have grown past your dick yet.
    You're barely even mature enough to look past things on the surface, and to stop treating your penis like a god that needs sacrifices.

    It varies from person to person, some fall, some don't, but I don't think capability is ever in question, it's finding the right someone.

    Beyond that, I think some of the social expectations have made it a little less likely for younger men (and women) to settle down. It's not so much the sex in the media, I think it's more of the push on success. Many professionals advice waiting till people are in their early to mid 30's to have kids (remember, money first), we're expected to have nice cars, bigger homes, better toys. You can't give a 20 something those kind of expectations and still believe that they're gonna see through the materialistic bullshit and start making lifelong commitments to a piece of ass.
    Last edited by Regnent; 21-02-11 at 02:59 PM.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Regnent View Post
    to stop treating your penis like god that needs sacrifices.
    LOOOL! That's funny!

  10. #25
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
    Charlie Boy II is offline Registered User
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    I'm a 28 year old male. Up until now I have had periods where women have really only been there to satisfy my own ego and my sexual desires. I've been worried that I don't have the capacity to fall in love or sustain a lasting emotional attachment to a woman.

    But, then you meet the right girl, and BANG. You're in loved. All of a sudden, you couldn't think of anything worse than trawling bars just to get your end in. After a while though, a guy will often tire of the relationship and go back to the earlier cycle of shallow, sexually-focused interactions with as many reasonably attractive women as possible. You'll forget that feeling you had with the girl before. You'll probably remember only the bad parts: the boredom, the feeling of being caged in. Then, BANG again, you meet another girl, and she's fantastic, and all of a sudden you only care about her. etc, etc.

    As I've matured through my 20s I definitely feel like my capacity for long-lasting relationships has also strengthened. In my early 20s, I probably felt a lot like you do now. So in short, don't worry about it. Just do what you have to do now.
    Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.

  11. #26
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    I used to judge women on their breast/ass too and only wanted sex, but then I met someone different, and I think that's the ketword. Difference. She was different in the way our relationship evolved ; It wasn' all taken for granted after making out or w/e. We did flirt, a lot, and we were obviously seeing each other, but she made it very clear that I can't take her for granted, and the same applies to her regarding me. Now see the situation; the very long time it took before things got serious between us, I have always been in the doupt regarding her. Being in the doupt automatically brings questions, questions brings new answers, new answers brings change. And it's with that change, that difference between my old self and my new self, that I understoud I was wayyyyyyyy wrong back when I was a player. You don't realise the power of love until it's brutally shoved in your face.

    Note, many many will call that "change" or "difference" the transition from boy to man or from immature to mature.

  12. #27
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    My penis s a god that needs sacrifices.

  13. #28
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    If there was as many good looking men as there are women, then we women might want to shag all their brains out too.

    Good looking men IMO are rare....especially over here. I wouldn't touch 98% of British men with a 100 foot long bargepole.

    And you guys best make the most of it, before you go bald, flabby guts, ear and nose hair, need viagra etc....and especially if you have no money, lmfao
    Last edited by xxazurexx; 22-02-11 at 06:24 AM.

  14. #29
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    I used to judge women on their breast/ass too and only wanted sex,
    Thank god some of us are wise to these losers....

  15. #30
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    Tell them to go sit on a dildo.
    Rather that, than a piece of STD infected meat...

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