I'm going to offer some last thoughts here. This isn't over. If it's happened before it will happen again. I wonder if there is something that she isn't getting in the relationship with you. I am not saying it's you...it's her. Something appears to be missing or she wouldn't be obsessing about another guy, repeatedly for that matter. I know you say she didn't cheat, but in her head she did. She was thinking of someone else, not you. I suggest you speak with her about it, mentioning that it's a pattern that you've noticed and why might she be doing this. I'm sorry mate but there is nothing healthy about this relationship, she's not as committed as you are. Despite the fact that they aren't talking anymore, it wasn't her that broke contact, it was the other guy. This is a red flag to me, especially when you state that she 'freakied' when she saw him at the bus stop.