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Thread: Not sure if this is normal

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Although I do like boobs, I will try and avoid the slutty looking girls haha. I will hopefully try and talk to the more conservative ones as you said. I'm hoping just to make more girl friends as well as find a girlfriend so in a way its a win win situation if I do start talking to girls in clubs and what not.

    The annoying thing is that 90% of my friends are now in relationships so they don't tend to go out much and the other 10% are nerds, like me, that tend to stay in on a Friday night or go to the cinema. I could go out myself but as I'm a shy guy and I don't have much confidence Im not sure how that would play out. I am tempted to ask my friends to help me out but at the same time I feel that its something that I need to do, since I now know what Im looking for in a girl.

    I'd like to thank you again for all your help and support

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Maybe join a hobby so you can make some new friends to go out with? Why do you want female friends? Girls in general dont trust guys who have female friends so probably a bad idea. I wouldnt date a guy who had 3 or 4 best female friends.. To me that is either a player or gay-either way I dont want either so stick with your male friends and fine one special girl.

    Plus if you have a female friend who only wants to be your friend. I guarantee you-you will end up crushing on her and wanting to be with her and wanting something you cant have is pointless. Avoid falling into that trap.

    1. meet a girl
    2. see some chemistry
    3. ask her out
    4. if she says yes go on a date
    5. if the date goes well-another date
    6. if she says no or it goes badly-forget her and move on

    You got be fast. snap snap snap. so you dont waste a whole load of time on the wrong person

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I am interested in cars and attend a lot of car meets but not exactly the sort of thing that attracts a girl crowd but I might look into other sports or hobbies. The whole female friends idea is because I literally have no female friends (apart from my ex ) and feel if I made some female friends that it might boost my confidence speaking to girls and I don't know why but I feel really comfortable talking to girls about this sort of stuff. I liked having someone to talk to about this (aka my ex) and feel females are more understanding from my experience. It would of been nice to talk to my best friends girlfriend but she lives away from home for uni so not much help.

    My friends are more the rough and tough, get on with it sort of guys and having a female actually giving me advice rather than a "it will be fine, get on with it" actually helped in a lot of scenarios since they understand and talk to you about it.

    Hopefully I will meet someone soon, I just like having a special person in my life and now that I have experienced a relationship, I feel that I belong in a relationship since that's when I feel most comfortable and happy if that makes any sense. It also made me go out a lot more since I could go out with them and just do couple things like going out for meals, going to the beach, experience new things and of course the other things

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Confiding in girls like that leads to feelings, crushes, infatuation. Girls like offering advice and being there to support people. We are nurturing by nature and see it as purely being friendly. However men generally find it hard to talk about feelings and when they find a girl they can lean on for emotional support-it becomes a lot more than platonic friendship and its easy for him to fall for her as they crave being able to talk about these things without being judged (like do would if they confided in male friends)

    That is why its important to save that for a girlfriend and not just a friend or else you will be put in the friendzone before you realize you want to be with her which will hurt you. And surely you have one or two male friends who have been hurt before, who know what its like and would listen if you need to talk? Or you could talk to your mum, sister, aunt, female cousin?

    I know its hard to talk to men about these things. Your expected to be all macho, blah blah BS, put on a front and act like the hulk or something and I know that is one of the things men crave about being with a woman. Being able to be themselves and still feel like a man. But its not a good idea to have a bunch of female friends who you tell all your problems to and vice versa as you will get attached to one of them.
    Last edited by michelle23; 25-06-13 at 12:02 AM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Ah okay, I see where your coming from. It was probably just the fact that I could talk to my ex about these things and it just helped having someone to talk to. I have spoke to my Mum before but sometimes problems may include things of a sexual nature and that would just be awkward. No brothers or sisters unfortunately and all my cousins are much older than me and I'm not that close to them in that way since they are aged around 30 and me being the youngest at 19 :/ would of loved to of had a sister tbh, would of been great for me to talk to and get a better understanding of women. Now that I think of it I never really had much girl friends throughout my whole life which is a bit sad.

    My friends even said to me once that they think that I am too nice and the most likely to be friendzoned and that was pretty much what happened to me but somehow managed to get friendzoned by my girlfriend -_- This isn't always the case but I feel the majority of girls I have met are always after the typical "bad boy" who will never treat them the way they deserve and it annoys me since I see it all too often. For now I think I will stick with the nice members of loveforum with my problems but hopefully once one of my best friends comes back up from Hull without his girlfriend I can talk to him

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