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Thread: Who would you choose?

  1. #31
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    5. rebellious

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    The 2nd is more feminine, yes, but that shit can get annoying. If she's shy and not outgoing, then she's probably the type to get upset over something then not say anything then get mad at the guy because he's not "listening".

    The 1st sounds more independent and able to deal with her own bullshit, and if she can't can be open to making it known so it can get out of the way.

    For a long term relationship I'll take the 1st over the 2nd any day. But I wouldn't mind putting my dick in the 2nd for a little while.

    Missleepy, see, not everyone would choose no. 2. It depends on how people look at it. Something that is beautiful to somebody may not be to somebody else.

  3. #33
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    Number two sounds like a pain in the ass. Number one sounds more practical.

    Funny thing is, I just met my fiance's friend's new gf yesterday, and he was amazed that he'd date "someone like her". When I asked what he meant by that, he said that before all he used to date were these stylish, barbie-type girls, really feminine (but ultimately boring, insecure, and stupid). This new gf was a little more plain jane, but you could tell she was confident and intelligent and practical. My fiance said she was a WAY better choice, because those types of women make better partners.
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    Number two sounds like a pain in the ass. Number one sounds more practical.

    Funny thing is, I just met my fiance's friend's new gf yesterday, and he was amazed that he'd date "someone like her". When I asked what he meant by that, he said that before all he used to date were these stylish, barbie-type girls, really feminine (but ultimately boring, insecure, and stupid). This new gf was a little more plain jane, but you could tell she was confident and intelligent and practical. My fiance said she was a WAY better choice, because those types of women make better partners.
    Actually, this remark seems to me shallow and as if you don't know what you are talking about. It is obvious that you don't understand what I have been saying. I did not stress her physical beauty, but her elegance in the way she talks to others and make them feel at ease in her presence, great posture, the way she graciously walks. She is not a barbie-looking at all. Far from that. She is very similar to Prince William's girlfriend in how she dresses, so if you can picture that, then you get a pretty good picture of how she is.

    i don't thinkt hat she would be interested in you. She likes high-class men and high-class men like her. "Ordinary" guys don't understand that.

    The point is, she is a great heart and very elegant and creative. On top of that, she is educated and pretty. A great person, as far as I am concerned.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by katya View Post
    No. 2

    1. Very compassionate/loyal friend
    2. Elegant and stylish
    3. Educated
    4. Creative
    5. Very beautiful

    1. Emotional/moody
    2. Stubborn
    3. Insecure
    4. judgemental

    I was actually judging number 2 based on her her mix of her implicated 'beauty' and the bad traits you listed for her. Insecure and judgemental are terrible traits, as far as im concerned. The first girl sounds more down to earth, even though you have been VERY quick to point out she isn't "Very stylish". The point is, who cares what she looks like? The first girl's personality sounds far more desirable overall. How is that shallow?

    Secondly, I am a woman. My fiance is a very high-class, well educated man, so I know exactly what those type of men like, thank you.
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  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    I was actually judging number 2 based on her her mix of her implicated 'beauty' and the bad traits you listed for her. Insecure and judgemental are terrible traits, as far as im concerned. The first girl sounds more down to earth, even though you have been VERY quick to point out she isn't "Very stylish". The point is, who cares what she looks like? The first girl's personality sounds far more desirable overall. How is that shallow?

    Secondly, I am a woman. My fiance is a very high-class, well educated man, so I know exactly what those type of men like, thank you.
    I am sorry, but I don't think you do. High-class men like elegant, smart, creative, educated, attractive women.

    You did nto understand what the second one is about. tHat is why it is shallow, I am afraid to say. She is far from just a beauty queen. Her greatest strenght is her big heart (which I think is a major part, at least in my books, of personality) and then you say that you are not being shallow. And argumentative, as if not willing to listen and be tolerant of other's opinions is a good personality trait. I guess what I am trying to say is that you are judging the second one way too harsh based on your, probably, biased opinion and you say you talk about personality. I think there is something else involved here. She is not that judgemental or stubborn (maybe sometimes), I just needed to write something down because of the 5 characteristics. THe point is that she is very emotional, and the other one very argumetative..I guess different natures. They are both great people. THe other things for both, I guess don't matter that much. I see only these two charac. as big flaws.

  7. #37
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    Well I guess you know everything then, don't you? Lol.

    Whatever. I know a lot of very wealthy, educated, high class men....they're close friends and colleagues of mine. Not to mention I'm set to marry one. So don't tell me what these men like and don't like....I know all their wives and girlfriends. I can tell you right now, it doesn't matter how big of a heart your 'friend' has, if she's insecure and judgemental, that's BAD. MEN HATE INSECURITY.

    Besides, the more you defend number two, the more I'm convinced it's either YOU and you're taking this personally, or you're biased towards people with this type of personality. Your scales aren't very balanced, my dear. Something about your opinion has seemed off right from your first post.
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  8. #38
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    Number one says she is only cute while number two says she is gorgeous, beautiful, and attractive.

    That is 3 to 1.

    Number 1 loses. I think there was other stuff said but they don't matter.
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  9. #39
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    ^ So you're basing it on looks.

    I don't think Katya is going to like that, she's going to call you shallow. If you care.
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    If you care.
    I don't. I can't be shallow. That is only something a body of water can be. Honestly, everything else he mentioned sound PRETTY MUCH TE ****ING SAME lol...they both have degree and one is stubborn there other is some other shit. Honestly, both these options are great..in America the most common is number 3.

    Girl number 3 (85% of the population)

    3.) A fat redundant walking fat pile of protoplasm, stupid, religious, cry baby, undecided about everything, annoying, opinionated, racist, bitter, used, reliant on everyone but herself, poor taste, lame, pathetic, slutty(though hard to believe).
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 20-10-08 at 03:12 AM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    Well I guess you know everything then, don't you? Lol.

    Whatever. I know a lot of very wealthy, educated, high class men....they're close friends and colleagues of mine. Not to mention I'm set to marry one. So don't tell me what these men like and don't like....I know all their wives and girlfriends. I can tell you right now, it doesn't matter how big of a heart your 'friend' has, if she's insecure and judgemental, that's BAD. MEN HATE INSECURITY.

    Besides, the more you defend number two, the more I'm convinced it's either YOU and you're taking this personally, or you're biased towards people with this type of personality. Your scales aren't very balanced, my dear. Something about your opinion has seemed off right from your first post.
    ok, now you are being just impolite and rude, and may I add, judgemental. I am not discussing anything with you. I just stated my opinion, that's all. You said that the second one is not the type that men should date. That was your post, right? And you say you hate judgemental people and you were in that post just that - judgemental. You could have said - I like the first one better and that is my opinion, just like some of the other people on this thread. Not, the first one is great and the second one is awful. I don't know why you said that and I don't even care. I think you are being judgemental and rude and this is not really nice of you. And please, do not talk about me being biased towards the second one, because that just shows me that you are losing this arguement and using me as an excuse. I think that my opinion is valid and that the second woman is too, just as the first one. I will not continue writing like this anymore. I appreciate your input and thank you for posting.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins View Post
    I don't. I can't be shallow. That is only something a body of water can be. Honestly, everything else he mentioned sound PRETTY MUCH TE ****ING SAME lol...they both have degree and one is stubborn there other is some other shit. Honestly, both these options are great..in America the most common is number 3.

    Girl number 3 (85% of the population)

    3.) A fat redundant walking fat pile of protoplasm, stupid, religious, cry baby, undecided about everything, annoying, opinionated, racist, bitter, used, reliant on everyone but herself, poor taste, lame, pathetic, slutty(though hard to believe).

    Only virgins, you make me laugh. Don't say that, everybody is beautiful, right?

  13. #43
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    Not very good at taking criticism are you? Ah well.

    When did I say I hated judgemental people? How am I being judgemental by pointing out things that men don't like? I'm speaking from experience, because I know a lot of older well established men, and I know their tastes. I simply said they do not like insecurity or judgemental behaviour. They like intelligent, independent women with strength of character. They don't have to be beautiful. They can't be ugly, but they don't have to be supermodels.

    Keep in mind I'm also talking about men my age (28) and older.

    Sorry you think I was being rude, but I wasn't trying to be. You just don't like my opinion, which is fair, but you are just as bad in calling me shallow and telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. Keep THAT in mind.
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  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by katya View Post
    That's a negative.

    Quote Originally Posted by katya View Post
    Only virgins, you make me laugh. ]
    Now if only I could now figure out how to turn women on instead of just making them laugh I would be happy.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Only-virgins View Post
    That's a negative.

    Now if only I could now figure out how to turn women on instead of just making them laugh I would be happy.

    Just keep being funny. There are lots of girls who like that.

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