From the perspective of a person who is in an open relationship, I would recommend that you send your partner to Thailand for two weeks to **** babes all day for $30.
That's where my partner is going in a few days. I have already set up a few guys for myself while he is gone.

I think the problem is that your partner does not realize there is a wonderful world of sex at his fingertips because he has only ever been with 2 women? If he has only been with you the whole 7 years, I would presume that his skills are not too good either. He seriously has no idea what he's missing. The more sex he has, the more he will want it.

I would not be able to stand it personally.. I would die of boredom.. I know what you mean about not being satisfied by toys or masturbating, so many people think it is simple to satisfy that kind of need when it is so easy for them to please themselves.. Not a clue.

Congrats on communicating to your partner that you are not happy with the current set up. I think it would be selfish of him to ignore your needs and not work towards meeting you half way on nutting it out.

Have you both considered swinging? Wife swapping? Sex parties?
Perhaps all you guys need is to spice things up beyond the boundaries.