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Thread: Jealousy..

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gooshball-oxx View Post
    is it normal for a guy to deniy the fact that alot of girls like them?
    hmmm for me it depends on the personalities/traits of a person.. Some people deny it, though it is pretty obvious that girls like him.. while, some people love to DREAM, though as you can see on that person, A BIG "IMPOSSIBLE" word for him....

  2. #32
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    Jealousy is normal. To an extent. But if you start to create thoughts in your head and run with them, it could make trusting your boyfriend impossible even if he's not doing anything. The best thing to do is to live it each day and not worry about things that you aren't even sure if are there. If you happen to notice odd things that point to him being interested in someone else, don't call him on it right away. See what happens. And if nothing does, it may have just been you over thinking again. While I am a victim of jealousy, I've realized that it's normal but it really doesn't make anything easier.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frasbee View Post
    You're such a dork.

    Stop it stop! but yea actually you're right i am kind of a dork, but it makes it alot easier for me to be able to keep a girlfriend. Being cool and talking to lots of other girls just leads to unwanted urges, cheating, lies, heartaches.
    Last edited by Sensetive; 10-11-07 at 02:39 AM.

  4. #34
    Junket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sensetive View Post

    Stop it stop! but yea actually you're right i am kind of a dork, but it makes it alot easier for me to be able to keep a girlfriend. Being cool and talking to lots of other girls just leads to unwanted urges, cheating, lies, heartaches.
    I'm not a bully.

    I'm just callin' you out on yer shit.

    I'm probably the best friend you have here.

  5. #35
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    lol this topic wasn't by me, there for i was looking for no responce or help with anything in this topic, so unless you're going to "Help" the person who started this topic, then maybe you should just worry about yourself instead of attacking me out of no where.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sensetive View Post
    lol this topic wasn't by me, there for i was looking for no responce or help with anything in this topic, so unless you're going to "Help" the person who started this topic, then maybe you should just worry about yourself instead of attacking me out of no where.
    I wasn't trying to help you, I was very straightforward about calling you out on yer shit is all.

    I mean... ::smile and nod::

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