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Thread: Are we men actually capable of loving someone till the day we die?

  1. #31
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    To answer your title question? YES! A man can love a woman forever, but first he has to be broken (I will explain what I mean by broken in a moment)

    First off: Looking at a woman's chest/ass/legs (her features) doesn't disqualify you from having a long lasting relationship. I can openly admit that most every girl I've gone out with
    had amazing bodies, hot faces and just bangin' features I felt were prerequisites in order to "like" them.

    Your first problem: you list her ass and chest first instead of how caring, smart/loyal/ (no matter how perfect on paper) she can appear to be.
    Your 2nd issue is that upon having either intimate/physical/sexual relationships with this object of interest: You want absolutely nothing to do with her.

    I find that you see these women as conquests.
    How can you love a conquest you lose respect for if and when you have sex with her without every fully knowing who she is? (you can't) See how that works?

    Men, like women are animals.
    We all have instinct, intuition and basic needs (food, oxygen, sleep) and: SEX!

    There is nothing wrong with "you" just your reasoning, your point of view and your lack of understanding as to how love actually works.
    I would now turn the discussion in an inverted fashion and ask you:

    (1) What was your relationship like with your mother and father?
    (2) Do you know what affirmation is and were you given it as a child?
    (3) Did you suffer from neglect/abandonment or any other issues where a parent could have been physically there but emotionally absent?
    (4) Can you divide a woman's visually appealing qualities and focus on her mental/verbal/meta-physical beauty?
    (5) How long have you been dating, how long was your longest relationship and why did it end? How many relationship failures have you had?

    I feel compelled to ask as well as answer your question(s) posed because I've been just like you, and while I was like you I suffered many
    relationship failures and have FINALLY discovered for myself what it means to love someone truly and unconditionally...

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxazurexx View Post
    Good looking men IMO are rare....especially over here. I wouldn't touch 98% of British men with a 100 foot long bargepole.
    What makes them so ugly? :-/

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by SelflessnHumble View Post
    Men, like women are animals.
    We all have instinct, intuition and basic needs (food, oxygen, sleep) and: SEX!
    I'm not an animal - I am a god, who needs food, oxygen, sleep and water.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_robot View Post
    What makes them so ugly? :-/
    Did I say ugly? lol

    The majority I see, just don't appeal to 'my' eye. It's rare I see any of them and I'm thinking 'phwooar'.

    I sometimes wish I was 'easily' pleased, alas I'm not - which is why I guess I will remain single for a very long time, if not for life.

    Last edited by xxazurexx; 22-02-11 at 04:22 PM.

  5. #35
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    Men, like women are animals.
    We all have instinct, intuition and basic needs (food, oxygen, sleep) and: SEX!...
    But we don't need sex in order to survive and live.

    All of the other ones you mention, we do need and in order to survive.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxazurexx View Post
    If there was as many good looking men as there are women, then we women might want to shag all their brains out too.

    Good looking men IMO are rare....especially over here. I wouldn't touch 98% of British men with a 100 foot long bargepole.

    And you guys best make the most of it, before you go bald, flabby guts, ear and nose hair, need viagra etc....and especially if you have no money, lmfao
    I feel the same way about men over here...I'm not a lesbian but I find so many women attractive while only few men draw my attention. Not sure what it is really...lack of charm, lack of conversation, lack of everything.
    Also I must reckon that the good ones are already taken, I mean the ones aiming for commitment and longevity in a relationship...
    "Oh I could spend my life having this conversation. Look, please try to understand before one of us dies"

    Quote Originally Posted by Yet another guy View Post
    It's just plain simpler to view the world as black and white rather than probabilistic shades of gray.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxazurexx View Post
    But we don't need sex in order to survive and live.

    All of the other ones you mention, we do need and in order to survive.
    No we don't, but it's a basic human compulsion this hits all but the most defective people.

    Hell, even retarded people will masturbate themselves.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxazurexx View Post
    But we don't need sex in order to survive and live.

    All of the other ones you mention, we do need and in order to survive.

    Speak for yourself. When you combine sex while being in love with a life long partner:
    it provides nourishment you can't get from sleep, food, nor even oxygen.

    2nd, a species needs to procreate in order to survive. In ours 2 males/ 2 females cannot reproduce.
    It takes 1 man and 1 woman. and sex is how babies are made (naturally) of course.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_robot View Post
    What makes them so ugly? :-/
    Their teeth are usually crooked and yellow. Dirty fingernails.
    Unshaven, poor hygiene (these were British imports)

    I want to add I've seen British men who took care of themselves but on average this is what I noticed.
    Last edited by SelflessnHumble; 23-02-11 at 03:09 AM.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by SelflessnHumble View Post
    Speak for yourself. When you combine sex while being in love with a life long partner:
    it provides nourishment you can't get from sleep, food, nor even oxygen.

    2nd, a species needs to procreate in order to survive. In ours 2 males/ 2 females cannot reproduce.
    It takes 1 man and 1 woman. and sex is how babies are made (naturally) of course.
    I wasn't talking about pro creating...I said in order to live.

    Individuals don't die and because of lack of sex or no sex....<<<<< is what I meant.

    Their teeth are usually crooked and yellow. Dirty fingernails.
    Unshaven, poor hygiene (these were British imports)
    And you've personally met 40 million guys in Britain?? Every country has it's fair share of 'tramps' IMO.

    Nope, not for those reasons....and I've personally never known a Brit guy who possessed what you say above^^^

    I'm talking of I don't find a lot of males physically attractive, as in facial features. Things like baldness, overweight, sloppy dressed and such things like that.

    Or maybe it's 'white' men I don't find attractive perhaps...

    Because I do find guys of other races attractive....like Hispanic men and middle eastern men.

    I used to go on a chat.flirt site and while all the white guys were for the majority 'dogs', there wasn't one unattractive Hispanic guy.

    That of course aint saying ALL white guys are woof woofs....to stereotype is 'narrow minded' and I'm not dumb.
    Last edited by xxazurexx; 23-02-11 at 06:21 AM.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by SelflessnHumble View Post
    I want to add I've seen British men who took care of themselves but on average this is what I noticed.
    Where in Britain have you been?

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxazurexx View Post
    Where in Britain have you been?
    Why are you taking everything I say out of context? lol!
    I've not been to Britain...BUT I have met a few Brits during my travels (probably more than 100)
    throughout my lifetime and on average they didn't care for their appearance/hygiene as a priority.

    It doesn't mean ALL of them are, you should know better than that, I would think?
    Am I not allowed to share my experiences to answer a question posed?
    It's not definitive, it's not conclusive, it's just an observation. Did you have a bad day or something?

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by xxazurexx View Post
    Did I say ugly? lol

    The majority I see, just don't appeal to 'my' eye. It's rare I see any of them and I'm thinking 'phwooar'.

    I sometimes wish I was 'easily' pleased, alas I'm not - which is why I guess I will remain single for a very long time, if not for life.

    What do you find attractive in a man: when all you've got to go on is:
    his smile, his teeth, his clothes, his choice in accessories, his body type, facial features (eye color) and overall: physical attractiveness?

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_robot View Post
    I'm not an animal - I am a god, who needs food, oxygen, sleep and water.
    Who made you a God? I've never heard of a human, self proclaimed God? Why choose loveforums.net
    as your platform for mass enlightenment? Why would a God need food, oxygen and water?

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cinnabella View Post
    Lol, the owner of this thread is really fantastic, can I meet you? Lmao.

    Instinct, is just a stupid word for ppl who live without consideration and moral. I remember the teacher always said that the difference between animals and human is the Brain. It means animals only have instinct and trained reacting :-).

    Horny? Masturbate yourself, your instinct took over your human.

    Then please tell me how it is possible for me to have instinct when I have deep consideration and high standard of morals as well as ethics?
    You remember the "teacher?" Great! Because we all know only they know all the answers from their extensive/empirical studying, right?

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