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Thread: She won't admit her mistake

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    dprelz - yeah.. im the same. My g/f also told me that I should assume everything is fine and dandy till she tells me something is wrong... and that she shouldnt have to tell me how she feels for me or what she thinks of me. I feel im just a convenience thing and not there for a true relationship.... maybe we havent really moved to a relationship... still just dating and getting to know each other and stuff. She doesnt really know how to deal with any situation...how to involve me in her life...how to make me feel comfortable... doesnt know much at all abotu anything now i think about it. Shes in her 20's but shes still like shes in her mid teens.

    Bluesummer - You will find someone! You are a little bit far from me though :|

    Its good to be able to talk about this stuff... someones i wonder if im being harsh on her(everyone is different) or if im being harsh on myself. or being selfish and asking too much from her. its all a give and take thing.... but i feel im just giving and not getting much in return... i really dont know what to think actually.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Yeah I feel ya.. My ex was in her mid 20's, older than me and she's been in more relationships.. It's seriously just the way you deal with problems in general and how open you are to yourself. It's emotional intelligence.. I hate to say it, and I hope I am wrong but from the picture you painted it seems like you are going to end up getting hurt.. I was dating her for 3 years and she left like me so fast, like we just went out for coffee a couple times.. Maybe it's just because she didn't feel comfortable enough with me to Really open up or maybe she just can't open up with anyone. The answer to that question will be revealed in time and how she does in her new relationship with this douche bag she met a club....

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Ive been told that shes really confortable with me.. that shes known me for years.. I think that was just dribble to try and comfort me. she always said shes happy to talk about stuff too but that was obviously a lie too. You're probably right.... i think we should just go back to being friends.... i dont want to.. but might be for the best.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Well time away from you might make her realize her feelings and make her clearly express them.. I don't know dude, I am far from a relationship expert, I would get some advice from some of the more experienced guys on this forum before trying to make a decision.

  5. #35
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer
    Where ARE all you guys that treat your woman like a queen? And why aren't you hooking up with girls like me that treat their man like a king? Man, we need to start connecting and leaving the ******* emotionally unavailable population to make each other miserable.
    Hey how's it goin.


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