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Thread: Homeless. Pbbt.

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by boobaa View Post
    It is just the question of lifestyle, its the only comfort they have. Whenever I give any money to someone, I don't care if (s)he eats it up or drinks it.
    That's pretty much my thinking too. I don't care what they do with the money. They can buy a happy meal, or a bottle of whiskey. I don't care. Whatever helps get them through another f'd up night.

    As far as hard core junkies go.. well no.. I'm not going to support their habit with my hard earned money. I wouldn't even do that for a close friend. Like someone else said, you can spot the junkies from the people that are genuinely down on their luck.

    I think we all have a social responsibility to help our fellow man in whatever small way we can. That's a basic lesson taught in both the bible* and qur’an. I'm not so self-righteous that I'll only let a homeless person spend the money I give them in ways I deem morally acceptable.

    I'm atheist, but religious texts do often contain some decent moral guidance.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    Yet you will tip 20% to an unskilled waitress ? Which is effectively a form of begging via employment. You Americans are a crazy bunch.
    Only if they've worked hard for it, which they can do by being timely and charming, kinda like a performer.

    I admired my old buddy's philosophy. Whenever a guy would come up to him and ask for him for change, he would tell them to either tell him a joke, a good story, or dance. If they didn't, he wouldn't give them any money. If they did, and the more entertained he was by them, the more money he would give them.

  3. #48
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    All over the damn place.
    First of all, minimum wage in the US is $7.25 or thereabouts. That is barely enough to wipe your ass with, but as a former broke-ass college student I can confidently say that one can rent a room and buy groceries on it, and that's before exploiting food stamps or any other social service available.

    I don't care if it's self-righteous or not. I don't want some homeless lady chugging two-buck chuck on my buck. As the saying goes, your god helps those who help themselves. Well, I do the same damn thing. You don't want to help yourself, fine. Get the **** out of my office and freeze on the street. No skin off my back so long as someone chucks your corpse in the garbage pile before sunup.
    Last edited by Gribble; 02-01-10 at 11:41 PM.
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  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by misombra View Post
    around here if you're mentally ill and you can't work you get social security.
    Even if you don't have a home address?
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  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    Even if you don't have a home address?

    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  6. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by kez73 View Post
    Instead I look at the ultra rich celebs out there who tout their political views and try to make us feel like we ALL should give give give - while they live in multi million dollar mansions and could easily live on less and still live better than most of us.... but they don't. I'm sure they donate a heck of a lot of money, but if you think about it, they could outright buy tons of homeless people their own home or apartment and still have a pile of money left for themselves - but they get on TV to guilt the rest of us into sharing more of our money. It makes me barf, sorry
    Perhaps the argument doesn't hold as well for celebrities as business owners and CEOs, but the latter are actually the reason most working class people like you HAVE jobs. Every one of you works for someone who GAVE you a job. If that's not the case, then you are in the minority that likely employ others and you understand exactly my meaning. Those celebrities employ housekeepers, drivers, cooks, agents, marketing people and a host of other folks who can feed their families because of them.

    Sorry, but I think that people like Bill Gates, Larry Page, et al. deserve their big houses and high-end lifestyle. If you want that too, then work for it. Noone is stopping you.
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  7. #52
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    Sorry, but I think that people like Bill Gates, Larry Page, et al. deserve their big houses and high-end lifestyle. If you want that too, then work for it. Noone is stopping you.
    And to be fair, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donates more money to charity than many of the richest people in the world make.. combined.

  8. #53
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    @ Kez73 so you got all the help in the world and were given a place to live but you wouldn't turn around and help others.

    A womans shelter ? Well men do not have that luxury.

  9. #54
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    I know other shits comes out of your tips, but DAMN woman. We can do math ! There is no way in hell they make less than $8 an hour ! if that is the case the freaking restaurant would go broke !
    I have no idea what point you're trying to make. No one said a waitress makes less than $8 an hour once you add in their tips. I did however say tipping is expected because without them waitresses couldn't afford to live.

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Sorry, but I think that people like Bill Gates, Larry Page, et al. deserve their big houses and high-end lifestyle. If you want that too, then work for it. Noone is stopping you.
    You know what is funny and might surprise some of you is that Bill Gates and his wife give HUGE sums of money towards bettering the world. Bill is "retired" now and works for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They are a driving force in the fight against world hunger.

    Another really cool thing relates to Warren Buffet. He and Gates have been #1 and 2 on Forbes list of the worlds richest people for a while now, but both have pledged almost their entire fortunes to help the world. I know Warren Buffet has dedicated his entire wealth to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation when he passes away. That is something in the neighborhood of 100 BILLION dollars with their combined wealth.

    I have huge respect for both men.

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  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Perhaps the argument doesn't hold as well for celebrities as business owners and CEOs, but the latter are actually the reason most working class people like you HAVE jobs. Every one of you works for someone who GAVE you a job. If that's not the case, then you are in the minority that likely employ others and you understand exactly my meaning. Those celebrities employ housekeepers, drivers, cooks, agents, marketing people and a host of other folks who can feed their families because of them.

    Sorry, but I think that people like Bill Gates, Larry Page, et al. deserve their big houses and high-end lifestyle. If you want that too, then work for it. Noone is stopping you.

    Seriously, what the ****?

    You seriously think that someone should give you a job? That there should be people who have the privilege to GIVE jobs? On what basis such privilege is set up?
    Can people in mongolian steps become computer geniuses? No.

    Actually we have the technology and resources for a society where no-one has to work But we cannot achieve that because some people think there should be givers and beggers. We are just so used to classify things, compare things, our lives, our success.
    In society where no-one has to work, success is measured by what you do with your free time. I bet most of you would party and suck cock.
    Don't expect anything.

  12. #57
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    You don't even have a job, you Australian rube.

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by doppelgaenger View Post
    You don't even have a job, you Australian rube.
    Sorry to dissapoint you but I am gainfully employed. I know this dissapoints you.

  14. #59
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    b-b-b-b-b-BAY AREA!
    BG ... the point is while a simple waitress is making far above minimum wage after tips, we're rest assured that they're not spending their money on drugs and alcohol.

    You're just the type of person who wants conflict from all angles. Keep it coming ...
    no autographs, please!

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  15. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoredGeorge View Post
    A womans shelter ? Well men do not have that luxury.
    Yes they do you dumb f*ck.

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