So my lady friend and I have been dating for 2 months. We've both talked about how we would make things official if/when that happens. She has been giving me hints that she is ready and we've been planning on hiking up old rag (Virginia). My plan is to hike up to the summit alone before we go together, and leave little signs along the trail, with maybe hiding the question under a big rock we decide to sit on (I haven't decided, plan to improvise as I make the hike) to ask her to be my gf.

Here's my question, and I think it's a stupid question but just wanted to be sure. Since we've been talking about doing the hike together, do you think she would be upset that I went alone without her to do all of this? I don't think she would, but sometimes girls think differently than guys.

Also, any suggestions on things I could do to make things more romantic would be appreciated. Thanks!