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Thread: An awkward situation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    An awkward situation

    Hi guys, hoping to get some advice here.

    For quite some time now I have been in love with a close friend of mine. We got speaking again after a few years of not seeing each other about 6 months ago or so. I was attracted to her some years back when we first met but never made a move because of the circumstances at the time.

    We spend a lot of time together, text each other a lot, randomly pop in to see each other at work and I feel such a connection to her that I can tell her anything...except what I really want to tell her. Those three words.

    The complications start in that she is engaged, I am not the type of person to break up a relationship or disrespect their relationship. I know for a fact she has had feelings for me of some sort in the past but am unsure as to what they are these days. She did say to me recently that it's a shame we didn't get talking again sooner, meaning that there could have been something between us should we have met again before she met her current partner.

    She's an extremely friendly, laid back girl that has a lot of male friends, but I am easily the only one she spends time alone with and a lot of time with. I know I have no right to but I get jealous when she does see other Male friends because of the way I feel about her.

    I only ever seem to be my happiest when i'm around her these days or when we're talking via text etc. I feel we have a real connection and could be so happy together. But at the same time I feel like i'm just kidding myself to think she'd ever wanna be with a guy like me (yes I have some self esteem issues)

    I don't quite know what advice i'm expecting here, I do not want to lose her friendship but I do wish I could let her know how I feel without it seeming like I have an agenda to break her away from her fiancee.

    Any advice at all with regards to anything would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Atlanta, GA
    Keep those feelings to yourself. You said it yourself, she is engaged. I doubt that she got engaged just for the hell of it. You are her friend. If you tell her that you want to be more than that, chances are the friendship will suffer.

    Look into going out with other girls. You may always feel the way you do about this girl, but chances are you will never get to act on it. But only you can decide if you want to keep the friendship all the while knowing how you feel.

    Good luck.
    Brought to you by Dating With Devon!

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