Hi, sorry for the long thread.

A few months ago my ex boyfriend got back in touch with me after he dumped me and then got with another girl. He came back into contact with me just after I thought I had got my life back on track after such a terrible break up :/ I had been so much happier and i never thought about him until he sent me a letter and a few emails. I didnt want to reply to them but from how he was saying things he seemed to have changed slightly and matured.
So I began talking to him through emails and then moved onto Skype and MSN chats, however after feeling much happier previously I had met a new guy who I was only "friends" with at the time and no more. This new guy got quite miserable that I was talking to my ex eventhough I have known him to talk to his ex's as well when we were talking.

My ex-boyfriend told me one night a few facts about this "new guy" i was talking too and i found out he was going behind my back and also wooing an ex of his as well previously before i made any contact with my ex. I was pretty upset that this guy who i kind of really liked was just taking the rise out of me :S I confronted him on the issue and he just blamed me for everything saying I went behind his back with my ex and that is what has caused us to split up however he did admit to what he had done with his ex.

I stopped talking to him and got to know my ex again. In February we decided to get back together and give it another shot at what we lost together, however I still have this awkward feeling about it and that nothing has changed about the relationship. By now my boyfriend again is much happier when i dont talk to this guy. I have ALOT of feelings for this guy still eventhough he has also got a girlfriend now and i havent spoken to him in a few months. Until last week i recieved a text from him saying "Can I ask you one question - Why did you screw everything up?"
He's with his other girl but it seems like he cant get over me or is he just trying to pick argument with me?? He is also blaming me for talking to my ex and getting back with him :/

I dont know what to do and my boyfriend dont know anything as I dont want to upset him again :/ Its also strange to know that his guy is texting me asking what happened to "us" when he has someone else :/ Can someone suggest what he maybe thinking?
Thank you.