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Thread: 18 year old no gf help

  1. #1
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    18 year old no gf help

    Hi, I am 18 years old, I am a loner, I don't belong to any "group" and I don't have any friends anymore. My college is a community college and it is really lame and most (not all) but a lot of the people their are what you would call "preppy". Now, my background is this: had a tough time in highschool, I don't know what was worse, getting made fun of, or the school itself. I'm not nerdy, preppy, or a jock. People used to say I was creepy, like in a pyscho murderer kind of way, but that's not true! If a girl dumped me I would not kill her! Nowadays, instead of creepy, people say I am a drunk, even though I have never used drugs my entire life. I was never popular since the day I was born, I hate popular people with a passion. I used to be a nerd when I was younger, now I am just a loner. I don't socialize very often, here's why: When I socialize "well", and the day ends well, the next day I am afraid I will err and lose the friends I had made. I guess you could call me a klutz, I am very big, 6 foot 3 weigh 220, im not fat, but when im in rooms at college, theres not enough space, so things happen...

    I am not going to post my pictures, because I don't need your advice about how I look, also so I won't get linked to the conspiracy. That is why I chose my name, ridden123. It was a randomly generated username.

    Anyway, I am an only child, so I don't have a brother that can just help me with getting a girlfriend. My race is mixed, and I know alot of white girls (not all) are racist of mixed people. I'd just be happier with a girl who is mixed too, except the problem is that mixed are only 2% of the population. The most frustration I have is seeing everyone around me pickup girls without even trying. I have not asked that many girls out, and the ones I have said no. There isn't much of a spark between us, so I'm not even upset when they say no. But believe me, when I see a hot girl I get so horny, and then I fear I will be a virgin forever.

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    6'3" is fantastic... learn to laugh at yourself if you are a little clumsy. Your size is overall a HUGE advantage.

    About the white girls being racist... where do you live? Because this isn't really a problem where I am (Los Angeles area), so I am thinking if you live in a small town, you might want to think about eventually relocating.

    i don't know how much more help you can get without people knowing what you look like, but be assured that there are a lot of young guys in your position with regards to lack of girlfriends.

  3. #3
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    when I say racism, i don't mean the stereotypical type of racism, i mean more of a quiet racism...eg. if you ask her, shell say she's not racist and all that but you know that she is, and she might not even know it...

    plus, im not big on the whole "socializing" thing... i used to have friends but they are now missing or live far away...i don't really like small talk and most of my friends end up stabbing me in the back anyway

    i dont know if being tall is a good thing, most of the guys i see getting the girls are shorter than me.

    where i hang out, the college, the atmosphere is terrible, everyone has an ego and is really a kind of arrogant, i'm arrogant, but not exactly the same kind of arrogant. most importantly, nobody there cares about having fun, its all about work school or the economy, and being busy, not getting busy! litterally everyone there has a twitter or facebook 24/7, and that is what they call "fun". i know this because I can see whats on everyone's computer screen.

    I live near detroit, and that placed in the top 10 worst dating cities according to ask men. I don't have a car, or a job, so I can't really move.
    Last edited by ridden123; 01-12-09 at 12:17 AM.

  4. #4
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    In highschool these girls asked me for sex and I declined. Worse decision of my life. So if I don't get a girlfriend soon its either 357 to the dome or going to a hooker. Probably the latter, if I can find one that doesn't have an STD.

  5. #5
    lhn's Avatar
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    Make friends... join some kind of clubs or find some interests and mix with people.

    You're your own worst enemy if you're not meeting people and gaining friends.
    Quote Originally Posted by qwerty123 View Post
    jeez i turn every argument round on a man, why take the blame if hes stupid enough to let you blame him about something totally different

  6. #6
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    that's the problem, im not big on socializing, because i don't fit in. Hell, I went to a school of misfits, rejects and anti-socials, and I didn't even fit in there.

  7. #7
    vashti's Avatar
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    No, trust me, I am female. Being tall is considered a GREAT advantage, especially since you aren't as skinny as a twig. If you aren't getting dates, it's not because of that. This is a self confidence issue.

    You will have to force yourself to be more social if you want to meet girls, though. They won't fall out of the sky into your lap. Maybe you should take up some kind of hobby which forces you to interact with people to some extent? Or join a club or two at school. Also, if you had a job, you would interact with people (unless you are a computer guy.) A lot of people feel a little awkward around strangers. It isn't unusual.

    Also, I'd be careful about assuming white girls are racist just because they don't accept a date. A girl may not like you for some other reason all together.

    You might want to PM a photo of yourself to someone on the forum whose advice you value. They might be willing to give you an honest appraisal of how you might come across to girls.

  8. #8
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    Its not the girls I asked on dates that are racist, lol, why would I ask them on a date if they were? But a lot of white girls in highschool said I was creepy, they said I stared at their boobs, but the only reason i did was to read their shirt. I'm the type of person that cannot let information go to waste. If there is any information I have to find out what it is. if it is on a girls breast so be it. the part that makes me mad is that the same girls, would lick each other's boobs and hump each other during class. black girls would make fun of me even call me a nerd, but not creepy. these girls eat red meat, are not vegetarian, are complete sluts, but I'm the creepy one.

    also i have a half-beard but my psychotherapist says those are "in" these days. I have cheap razors so I don't like to shave, especially because i get bumps and scratches when I do. I am all for nature and organic, so I don't use shaving cream, i only use organic and chemical free soap and i do not use shampoo because even the shampoo at the health food store is not organic. i also want to use pheromones (aka advanced cologne) but for these same reasons I have not. I think I am a sexy guy, but I am very unusual, I am mixed and I do not look like your average American.

    Also the dating gurus say you can be buttugly and still get the hottest chicks. According to a bunch of sites physical beauty is ranked lowest on women's priority. Also it says rape and lesbian fetish is one of women's top 10 fantasies. What this means for our culture I do not wish to say.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Wait, are you using a proxy? Maybe we could track you down using your IP... :3
    Joking, of course.
    At 5ft 3in I'm a HUGE klutz, and still manage to laugh it off.
    You sound like you never really got the chance to recover from social awkwardness.
    People like friendly, so just remember. Big, warm smiles, and pleasant conversation. It will take you miles.

  10. #10
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    matter of fact I was using a proxy lol

    is that friendly?

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