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Thread: Loosing the love of my life

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Hometown: Brooklyn, Now: Chicago

    Loosing the love of my life

    Hey guys, i read through a couple other post and it seems like everyone kind of has the same issue as me.. I know that my relationship is headed south but im still trying to save it.

    I am madly in love with my gf of 3 years. we have had a rocky relationship from the start.. Our parents dont really care for each other and have caused alot of problems in our relationship since we are both really family oriented. When we first started dating, we lived close by eachother. At this time we were fine.. But due to certain circumstances, me and my family moved about 700 miles away. I know alot of you are going to stop reading and say, long distance relationships dont work. I believe that is true when you dont plan on moving in together, but thats not the case for us. She talked so many times about getting married to me and living together and i showed alot of interest in these ideas.. Im not sure what went wrong.. she said that she just wants to live her life right now and not be tied down.. I asked her if she thought we'd get back together she said yes. I said fine.. whatever but after a day i couldn't take it. I called her back and said if you want to break up just say it so i at least know and dont wait around for nothing, she said over and over she wants to be with me, but shes going through some things in her life right now she wants to deal with on her own.. (eat problems, depression, etc)

    Our these just excuses.. is she really over me? I am so inlove with this girl i haven't been able to do anything for days. I can't eat, i cant sleep, im nauseous and sick all day. I have fallen into a depression..

    im thinking tonight about putting my foot down and telling her to make up her mind on what she wants right now, but im truly scared she will walk away..

    ***When i moved away, it was really hard for me leaving all my friends and other family behind. When i came to chicago, i didnt really care to make new friends, it has always just been me and my gf...
    Last edited by mesposito; 16-11-09 at 08:43 AM. Reason: more info

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by mesposito View Post
    she said that she just wants to live her life right now and not be tied down.. I asked her if she thought we'd get back together she said yes. I said fine.. whatever but after a day i couldn't take it. I called her back and said if you want to break up just say it so i at least know and dont wait around for nothing, she said over and over she wants to be with me, but shes going through some things in her life right now she wants to deal with on her own.. (eat problems, depression, etc)
    She already broke up with you and had her mind made up. She wants to do her own thing without being in a relationship. The only reason she was forced into specifics is because you didn't accept what she said, called her back. She broke up with you! She probably is depressed because you both are far away from each other she has an eating disorder.

    Quote Originally Posted by mesposito View Post
    im thinking tonight about putting my foot down and telling her to make up her mind on what she wants right now, but im truly scared she will walk away..
    From what you have said already and what she has said, She has already made her mind up. You need to accept that. I think it's best that you make new friends and make a life for yourself in your new area. Until you are able to support yourself financially and live on your own you have no choice but to be where you are.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Yeah bro, I've been in a very similar situation, minus the distance apart thing. She broke up with you. As hard as it is to accept, it's time to go no contact and start to heal yourself. It will be best for you in the long run and you WILL find someone else. Everything happens for a reason bro.

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