So I recently joined up with a male friend I have known for about 18 years. We both professed our major crushes on each other from long ago and we are still fired up! So last week he asks me to meet him for drinks in an intimate bar and there were fireworks. He was very gentlemanly and sweet. He asked me if I wanted to have a fun party weekend with him (whatever that means) and we both anxiously awaited Friday to come around. Finally on Friday he texts me that he's not feeling sexy but wants to come over and take a nap, which I said fine. Instead we had mad sex and then we went out to dinner (he apologized and said I had to pay because his new job starts in two weeks....hmm). Well towards the end of dinner he takes a call to -get this- go buy drugs! He almost left then and there but he saw my look and knew it wasn't cool at all. Let me just say that he isn't a druggie or anything, he just said he wanted an escape because he's had a lot of woe in his life. He dropped me off at home and said he would make a 99% effort to come back. A couple of hours later he texts me saying he needed to be alone. Fine. I knew he was high and I told him I didn't appreciate being second to drugs. He wrote that he made a mistake and the drugs weren't the answer. He apologized. I didn't hear from him until the afternoon again. We spoke back and forth via phone and text. He asked if I'd meet him at a grocery store (hunh?) to give me a hug. I declined because I was still angry with him from the night before. Didnt hear from him again until late yesterday and he said that he backed off because I wanted to go from 0-100 too fast for him. I told him id back off if he needed me to. We decided to meet tomorrow to talk it out, but I just don't know if I'm being a fool or what here.