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Thread: Help I Need Online Boyfriend Advice (Women Only Please)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Help I Need Online Boyfriend Advice (Women Only Please)

    well met a guy online i,ve known him for a few weeks so we dont know eachother well yet but some and i,ve never dated in person i,m 22 years old and i,m very shy and i,m really shy of him too we havent met yet he lives in another country far from me (non us) we are taking it slow and seeing how we know know eachother by sometime by this summer and they not for sure but maybe if it comes up we talk about meeting so i can get to know him better i,m scared n shy to be alone with him we have to meet maybe meet in different country like an island that dont need a visa just a passport which he has i never traveled far from home my mom said which made me feel better i,ll never go alone by myself she said i dont know about other countries rules or anything and my mom etheir can anyone tell me bout other countries rules? on islands with clear water lol?? depends on alot of things though i,m scared about meeting him in person if we do face to face i,m soo shy even cant talk on mic to him somtimes i just end up laughing alot or talking low or not alot or just typing to him on not very open to him since i,m so shy i dont say much about myself to him what do i do to not be soo scared and not think about meeting him in person and just take it slow and wait see what the future brings with us i,m so nervous about it and its even definite i,m a virgin and scared if we do make it i,ll chicken out on the S** any advice?? anyone can give me how to not be so scared and shy of him and how to be more trusting and open with him Thank You all for or any advice is appriciated

  2. #2
    sadie_genie's Avatar
    sadie_genie Guest
    DON'T go and meet him in some island you are not familiar with. It is dangerous. Plus, you have only talked to him online for a few weeks. If he wants to meet you, let him come to you and meet him in a public place you are familiar with. You don't even know him that well and you are thinking of having sex with him? You don't sound mature enough to be 22 years old.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    i am 22 i was born january 26 1989

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

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