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Thread: My boyfriend is best friends with this online ex-girlfriend.

  1. #1
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    My boyfriend is best friends with this online ex-girlfriend.

    I pined over this boy who we'll call Bob from about November to March while he dated his ex-online girlfriend who we'll call Laura. He asked me to be his girlfriend on April 3rd. This puts us together for almost three months. I have... issues with this relationship. They start and end with his ex.

    When he asked me to be his girlfriend, I was ecstatic. He and I had both put me through a lot of pain while I looked on his relationship and then later when he broke up with her and I waited to see if he had feelings for me. When he and his girlfriend "officially" broke up, Bob told me he liked me "a lot". So I went over his house the next day and comforted him over his break up. He basically told me that once he had time to heal over his ex, we would be together. Then, the next day, he told me he'd gotten back together with his ex. I crashed for a week. I failed tests, stayed up all night every night, and cried every single day. Then they broke up again and we courted for two weeks until he asked me out. I'm still bitter with him and afraid of how he hurt me.

    He and his ex dated for a year, and he's emotionally attached to her, which I understand completely. However... he's admitted to me before that he tells her things above me. He also still role plays with her online. This used to be a sexual act between them and it makes me feel very paranoid. I would really like to see what their characters are doing now that they broke up in real life... Laura is in a new relationship, too, the one she left him for. I feel like me and Laura's new s/o are stuck in a dance between Laura and Bob. I feel very insecure.

    I don't feel like we really talk. He doesn't tell me about his emotions. When I ask to hear about them, he says he doesn't have any to share. He's short-tempered with me-- not in that he gets angry, but just annoyed very quickly and easily. He isn't willing to try to do things I'd like to show him. Me and a friend watched HSM3 and Beverly Hills Chihuahua with him. He uses that as an excuse every time I ask him to watch a movie with me now. He knows I don't game, but I sit through hours of "funny" (ha. ha.) game reviews with him and have a good time just because I'm with him. When it comes to something I like... no.

    He told me a few weeks ago that he isn't sexually attracted to me...

    Something he did tonight really annoyed me. I was complaining about a teacher, and he was just defending the teacher. I was slightly peeved by this, but I understood and appreciated his point of view and given the chance, I would have told him this. On AIM, to one of his defenses of a teacher, I answered, "Gr." He told me not to get mad at him. I answered that I wasn't. Then he and his ex signed off simultaneously. What the hell kind of crap is that. We always say goodnight to one another... but I say, "Gr," and that makes him angry enough to spout to his ex and "best friend" about it and then leave without saying goodbye?


    Plus, I think he was angry with me because I didn't talk to him until six today. Well, I was out with my dad until six. I told him this and he was still somewhat pissy.

    All that said... He is a sweet boy. A little... odd sometimes. For instance he's already mentioned about how we'll grow old together. He's got a great sense of humor. He's loving, affectionate, caring, sweet, polite, my family loves him... But he can be such a little kid that he makes me want to scream.

    Like tonight.

    I don't know if I was ready to have a boyfriend just yet, and I do really like Bob. But... I can't stand that he talks to his ex more than me. And I absolutely despise what he did tonight.

    And the stupid idiot doesn't even have a cellphone so I could call or text him and let him know what's up.

    I'm peeved. And paranoid. And scared.

  2. #2
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Are you just looking to vent? Or do you have a question? Either is fine.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Are you just looking to vent? Or do you have a question? Either is fine.
    Venting. I also I kind of want to know what I should do. Advice and all that lot.

  4. #4
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    Not much to tell. Sounds like he is still pining for his ex, but you already know this. Around here, we call you a 'Plan B' girl. Meaning someone he's with b/c he can't be with who he really wants.

    Short sighted on his part, for sure. But one can't control one's feelings. If I were you, I'd break off with him. Not a vicious dump, more a break to give him space to clear his emotional plate. Then see what the future holds in a few months. Meantime, date other guys yourself.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
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  5. #5
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    Thanks... I've been hearing a lot of the same advice lately. Starting to think that everyone has a point.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Isadu View Post
    Something he did tonight really annoyed me.
    I love how you said this after all the other awful stuff you told us about Bob. Like that he doesn't want to have sex with you, and still talks to his ex, doesn't take an interest in anything you do now on top of that, he can't even take your side when you're pissed at a teacher. A straw that broke the camels back?

    You're content just to be around him because you're so infatuated, and he's too busy putting everything else above you. BTW what kind of god-awful movie crap is Beverly Hills Chihuahua? Please invest in some kind of cinema class for cultural educational purposes. Maybe you will sit next to a cute boy who doesn't absolutely suck.

    Are you having fun? Why the hell are you with this guy? Trust me, this relationship folly is not you, this is definitely him. Break up with him and find someone who actually cares about you.
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  7. #7
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    also, did he ever meet his gf? Or did they just have masturbatory fun over the internet?
    Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world

    -Lily Tomlin

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rollerderby View Post
    also, did he ever meet his gf? Or did they just have masturbatory fun over the internet?
    lol. "Masturbatory fun" that lasted a year. They never met.

  9. #9
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    Oh geeze. This is all about a girl he has never even met? When he has you there, flesh & blood.

    He's in love with a fantasy. He treats you like crap, what Derby said.

    Do yourself a favour and get rid of him before *you* start to fall for a fantasy as well--the one where he actually grows up & starts treating you like you deserve.

    Sorry to be so harsh, but this guy won't smarten up until he realizes what he has lost. Mbe not even then.
    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by IndiReloaded View Post
    Oh geeze. This is all about a girl he has never even met? When he has you there, flesh & blood.

    He's in love with a fantasy. He treats you like crap, what Derby said.

    Do yourself a favour and get rid of him before *you* start to fall for a fantasy as well--the one where he actually grows up & starts treating you like you deserve.

    Sorry to be so harsh, but this guy won't smarten up until he realizes what he has lost. Mbe not even then.
    agreed, love is blind

  11. #11
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    Move on Girl, no one deserves to be treated the way his treating you.

    Let him go if he doesn't come back your were never meant to be, you could be treated so much better and you'll see this once you have moved on and find someone that treats you like you deserve
    Live your life to the fullest and let the regrets of today be lessons for tomorrow

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