Hey all,
Back when I was in my final year of college (22 years old), I dated a nice guy (lets call him Mr. Nice) for a few months. He was the DEFINITION of a "nice guy"-- cute, fantastic sense of humor, was the only guy I've ever met who was as witty/pop-culture savvy as I am, but, it was obvious that he was totally inexperienced with women. He never made a move on me, or initiated physically, and every time he tried, he'd confuse my coy, momentary 'playing hard to get' act for me being icy, and would refuse to give it another shot during that date (basically, he tried once, struck out, and didn't realize that taking another swing would get him what he wanted).
We "dated' for 6 sexless months, then broke up and went our separate ways. Now, I'm 26, been with a bunch of loser assholes, all of whom, I hated. And at a recent party, Mr. Nice's name popped up during one of those "remember [x]? I wonder what happened to him?" conversations with friends. Apparently, he recently sold a comedy screenplay to a Hollywood studio, and seems to be fulfilling his dream of being a feature comedy filmmaker (I remember being pretty attracted to how passionate he articulated his dream and how much he wanted to make it happen for himself).
Now (finally), here's my question. I can't say that in the years since our breakup that I have never thought about Mr. Nice. In fact, given my string of crappy relationships, and my timeline of wanting to get into something serious (think engaged) by 30, I desperately want to get back in touch with Mr. Nice and get the old sparks sparkin' again!
But how the heck do I actually do this successfully? When we broke things off, I was sort of abrupt with him. Simply not responding to his txts/calls anymore after telling him that we should just be friends.
Help me, more experienced friends! This dude could be my future husband!