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Thread: Premarital Sex

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Premarital Sex

    Women are mostly hit by the consequences of premarital sex. When a woman builds her self-esteem around sex, she tries all her best to keep the relationship going with more sex. Sex will always be her answer to every arising situation in the relationship. She is always afraid of the day, when sex will not be enough and when the day comes, he leaves and her self-esteem sinks deeper.
    If he can’t wait to have sex with you, then he can’t wait to have sex with others before and after marriage. You can’t keep a man with sex. if you found your relationship with sex, that’s probably how much you are worth to him and since life is more than sex, when he has had enough of it with you, he will leave in search of other thing that life could mean to him. A man is less emotionally attached to a relationship; he will get over it in little time.
    Ladies are emotional beings. That is who we are, but men are more of logical beings. Men are not always emotionally involved in relationships. A normal lady have sex out of love, but when it doesn’t lead to marriage, it leaves her emotionally wounded. She goes around bearing wounds, hurts and pains. The feeling of rejection after being used kills her. She enters another relationship making the same mistake of equating sex to love; for once doesn’t satisfy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    San Francisco, CA
    Okay... not sure what your point is, but let's correct a few things here.
    1. "Women are mostly hit by the consequences of premarital sex". ABSOLUTELY FALSE. Women are hit by the consequence of sex... period.. (not just premarital sex). All the things you talk about are still risks and possibilities any time they have sex. I would even go farther and say the risk is higher in marriage - because everybody assumes sex is "safe" in marriages. With the cheating spouse rate very high these days - that is just not true and more people are in higher risk of contracting std and hiv having unprotected sex with cheating spouses that have unprotected sex in their affairs!

    2. "Women will always use more sex to control their men". Actually it's the opposite. Women tend to try to control men by denying them sex. This has been known for ages. And although some do feel like they can win/attract more men by having sex more readily, women don't use more sex to control the men they have. Its' quite the opposite.

    3. "A normal lady has sex for love." True in the old days, not so true currently. If you read any surveys now - women have been discovering their sexuality and independence for a while now and are just as apt to have casual sex for the enoyment of it and have fwb relationships as men. If you look at current surveys and studies, they now conclude the females are just as apt and cheat to the same degree if not more than males do now. Just because society is slow in catching up to reality and clings to 1950 thinking doesn't mean 1950 statistics are true. They are not.

    4. "The feeling of rejection after being used kills her." The feeling of rejection and being used kills anybody! And yes, women use men just as much as men use women (perhaps in other ways, but its still using). Ask any male and none will skip and dance singing "yay i got used and abused!" Quite the opposite.

    So i'm not sure what the point of your post is - but it's coniditioned/programmed rhetoric of bygone eras of the 1950s that just no longer holds true if you care to look at current statistics. This is not your grandpa's 1950s romance novel anymore.
    Last edited by richiro; 10-08-17 at 04:05 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I think OP comes from smaller country where girls and women are more old school. I understand this because Im from a small country where girls still are very much old school too. Also OP seems older so could be really right here when talking about her own life. And I understand first point - while your talked about consequences of sex on physical level [MENTION=69583]richiro[/MENTION] , OP meant more emotional consequences of premarital sex on women.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    San Francisco, CA
    good points master.. but that doesnt take away from what i said.
    she might "come from the old small country" but still the reality of today is different.
    and it really doesn't matter if its the physical or emotional "risk" - this still DOES NOT change whether it's pre-marital or post-marital. And i will stand by my statement that the risk is even GREATER (especially emotionally) post-marital given the spousal cheating rate in today's world. Beaing cheated on by a spouse (or being infected by std by a spouse) is far more emotionally damaging than the same occurring out of wedlock. wouldn't you say?

    let's get off the rhetoric and what's been engrained in our heads - and start thinking things through in reality terms... not fantasy "how we were taught" long-taught urban legend terms. tgat's how everybody gets into trouble - sticking to the fantasy/taught stuff and not looking at reality and assessing reality.

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