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Thread: i'm thinkin too much?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    i'm thinkin too much?

    i've always been unsure 'bout my relationship, always thinkin that he's going to leave me someday... don't ask me why, i just get that idea once 'bout every week. i've just recovered from my depression and nearly commited suicide last time, but he helped me out (thank god...) but whenever i think too much, i kinda feel down and he feels that he's responsible to make me happy. now, i get the feeling that he's tired of everythg... but i can't really stop thinking bad things, can i? i mean, i'm me... i can't change much... can i?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    i can just say for myself: this fatalistic attitude in girls sure does take the thrill out of the relationship. i had a girlfriend who kept preparing herself for the time when i dump her. it was very frustrating; plus, she never put in the effort, thinking "why bother if he's gonna dump me some day?"
    just let it go and enjoy time together with your boyfriend. believe me, it gets frustrating when you know your partner is very sad, but you can't do anything about it. and it's even worse when the partner just doesn't want to snap out of it but prefers to stay sad.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    i can't change much... can i?


    That depends. Your brain keeps changing until around the mid-twenties and you literally think differently at different times in your life before that. That's not counting "abnormal" changes in your brain chemistry, changes in hormone production, etc.

    Dark thoughts don't have to make you miserable. I have one of the nastiest and most vivid imaginations you're ever likely to come across, and yes I've been driven to abortive attempts at suicide, but eventually you realize that that's just melodrama. Life seems long sometimes, but it's not. Try to see the big picture and you won't worry so much.

    When you think of a bad situation, think to yourself, "what's the worst thing that could happen?". Then think, "What's the best thing that could happen?". Try to realize that the worst outcome is usually pretty unlikely. Then decide something you can do to make the situation better.

    If you want this guy to stick around, do things to make him happy. You might find that just concentrating on making someone else happy makes you happy.

  4. #4
    Illusional's Avatar
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    i'd say that if you're thinking about things too much it's because you feel that you always end relationship is the same matter. it can be a compulsive thing if you let it, so my suggestion is that you try not to think about things too much. life is way to short to be worrying about. live your life how you want to and you'll be a happier person. haha learn not to give a **** like me and you'll be problem free.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

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