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Thread: Serious Relationship Fight.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Serious Relationship Fight.

    Hello i was wondering if anyone can help me out. Well basically im dating this girl over online, but difference is we have this great connection but its kind of weird. Im 16 and 6 months old my girlfriend LiZz is about 15 years old. Im bipolar and i get angered easly and LiZz knows this.

    Ok keep in mind this is the second one the last fight we got over it. This one is huge like a bombshell huge to me anyways. It all started at 1pm when we were talking on the phone, everything seemed good, i kept singing to be funny, and well she sent a text messege back and keep in mind that i interperate things negitively if it doesent say JK on it. So i kind of yelled and this might have had something to do with what happened. Then she kind of got sad, and then i Apologised and told her how my actions were wrong and i shouldve never done that. She got over it, but she said something about a guy named Eric, and i asked who he was. Then she goes "A Friend" and well she talked about him, because she wanted to talk to him as soon as he got to her house.

    We hung up due to the fact she had to go, and well i tried to calm myself down from being jelous and she signed on AIM. Our convo went sour and she admitted "Hes a CLOSE FRIEND" and said she didint like him in that way. Started to be a little sarcastic on me, and ended up signing off. So im just wondering how do i resolve this and keep my love life in order with LiZz.

    P.S ill keep everyone posted on what happens the next following day.
    Last edited by wwefan300; 05-09-06 at 11:16 AM. Reason: Forgot to add something.

  2. #2
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Erm... do you speak a language other than English?

  3. #3
    vashti's Avatar
    vashti is offline Hot love muffin guru
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    I'm not sure you can resolve this without experiencing any jealousy. Jealousy is unfortunately a big part of teenage romances.

    Anyway, bottom line is that she is allowed to have friends, even CLOSE male friends. If you try to make her give them up, she will likely dump you, which is probably going to happen anyway since you are so young.

    Good luck.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #4
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vashti View Post
    I'm not sure you can resolve this without experiencing any jealousy. Jealousy is unfortunately a big part of teenage romances.

    Anyway, bottom line is that she is allowed to have friends, even CLOSE male friends. If you try to make her give them up, she will likely dump you, which is probably going to happen anyway since you are so young.

    Good luck.
    Oh i know believe me im not jelous of her friends, but im just wondering if she likes Eric like LOVES HIM. Thats all im going to ask and if she says no ill take her word.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    ... She has already said no...

    There is absolutely nothing to worry about here, imo... and even if there is, there is nothing you can do really... You say you're not jealous... but I don't believe that Who did she talk to on the phone when she got home? Who was she on AIM with? YOU! It sounds like you are being a bit overbearing and getting a little anxious when she suddenly wants to have human contact with another guy. I honestly don't think there is anything going on other than a healthy friendship; I'm sure you have female friends you don't "love"... same with her.

  6. #6
    Rosebud's Avatar
    Rosebud is offline Love Gurus
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    You can't say your not jealous of her friends and then in the same sentence say " I just wonder if she loves him?"

    She has stated he's just a close friend, if you keep poking at this, your going to cause bigger arguments that the one that is already started.

    It's hard at your age to not have jealousy knocking on your door 24-7, but if you act upon that....it only causes more problems.
    If you can't handle the thorns, don't crave the rose!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Choose now: Are you more committed to your relationship with her or to your own jealous fears? Be honest. it saves time.

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