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Thread: Confused as Hell.......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Confused as Hell.......

    Hello people!

    Not sure how to put this so I'll just put it.... Better grab yourself a triple Espresso, because this is pretty damn long...

    I have a problem when it comes to handling emotions and making decisions about relationships. I'm very shy and don't go out socialising much these days. My main form of communication with the outside world is over instant messenger programs. I don't have many friends so in some ways I guess I feel less lonely talking to people online.

    So, I meet people online and recently I met this guy in some random chat room. We seem to get on pretty well most of the time, however its really easy to misinterpret what people say through text and obviously its one of the worst ways to connect with someone and form a friendship even, let alone a relationship.

    However, this guy seems to really want to meet up with me. To be completely honest I have no idea how I feel about meeting him either way. Sometimes I think why not, try something new, do something spontaneous and meet him. Hes a pretty nice guy and whats the wost thing that can happen. Other times I think why the hell would I meet up with some guy I randomly met online not that long ago, especially when he lives so far away. I even stopped talking to him at one point and told him to forget about me, but I don't know, it just felt like a mistake, so I started talking to him again.

    So in other words, I'm completely confused and I couldn't make a decision if you asked me to. Some times he seems slightly strange in his messages or he almost tries to pressure me into seeing him and that swades me to avoid it. But its only instant messaging and some times we get on really well. Sometimes we talk on the phone and we get on really well then too, so its hard to judge.

    Anyway, don't know what I expect you guys to do about it really. I've had advice and it does help a little when its not conflicting advice. Guess I just needed to rant.

    Thanks for reading and managing to stay awake to the end...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Why not get out and meet some people and then use AIM to keep in touch? You're taking a pretty big chance working it the other way around.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I agree. Be careful. Meet him if you like, but do it in a very public place.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yeah, especially if he seems strange in any way or seems like he's pressuring you to meet him. I'd be very very careful about meeting people in real life that I only knew online. Watch the movie Strangeland and you'll see the worst that can happen .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    somewhere that sucks.
    If you decide to meet him, make sure you bring someone with you and meet him in a well-lit public place.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    heck lets just throw in a cop in that public place just for laughs
    and listen, if you have anything against my beliefs just pm me...mmk?
    cause i dont really care enough anymore to respond in a thread...


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