Okay, went on a date last night--I was set up with some professional woman--very late 20s. A nice three hour discussion (I guess if she really didn't enjoy my company, she could have ditched earlier). From the get-go, she kept her distance (to her credit, I was offered a hug)--made it very clear that she would prefer to remain free of all attachment. Has mild disdain (yet, you can tell she knows the bio-clock is ticking) for her friends because their are now married and can't go out and play like they used to (you know, they grew up and became adults...).

Well mannered person? Yes. Discussion good. Yeah, good enough; although after dating over 40 women, the discussion patterns are pretty close. Politically similar? Pretty close. Smart? Yes, but beyond work it is not applied. Attractive? Yeah, but why is it so many women behave more like men than women?

Me? Mid-to-late 30's.

I pretty much left it with, "Give me a call when you return from your business trip."

Why do I walk away from such things with absolutely no concern about hearing from her ever again? Why do I no longer feel like being the gallant guy who sweeps her off her feet? Why do I no longer feel like even playing it for sex, if nothing else?

Is it an age thing? Have times changed? Is our polluted environment effecting my testosterone and sperm production? What?