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Thread: it's been so long, is something wrong with me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    it's been so long, is something wrong with me

    i've been lurking here for a few days now before finally deciding i should post.
    so here's the scoop as best i can sum it up...hopefully it won't be to long.

    we dated like a year and a half, give or take. it was overall great. we hardly ever fought. even though i think we both knew we weren't soulmates who were going to be together forever, it never got in the way because when you truly feel something for someone you know it. anyways to cut to the chase, i'll spare you the boring breakup details i'm sure you've heard them all.

    it's been half a year now, and she's made it quite apparant she wants nothing to do with me romantically. we still talk as friends you know but it kills me. i don't feel like i've moved on at all and i just don't know why. i've had tons of other breakups before and i've yet to make any progress on this one.

    i just can't imagine anyone else right now in my mind. it's so fustrating knowing theres nothing you can do. part of me knows it's over and wants to move on but my mind won't let me.
    i tell you i just don't know why. i have a few theories as i've had plenty of time to think about it, but i've gone on long enough.
    this really is out of the ordinary for me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Well , i tell you what. If you really wanna move on, You CUT all the CONTACT and never, ever stay friends with your ex, because you're not moving that way. I've been there and I've got it really bad! And believe me i was in your shoes and it was 11 months for me... she came back apologizing and hurt me again. Read some of "how To Get Over Your Ex" and "Just Suffered Break Up?" Posts. Your're the man! Stop feeding her drama that she thrives and cut all contacts. DO NOT: Reply to her sms, e-mails and phone calls! No matter what! DON'T! She doesn't exist anymore... Keep in mind that she preferred someone/something else instead of you and you don't own her nothing anymore! Do your homework and get better!
    Last edited by SONOIL; 07-07-07 at 02:03 PM.
    ...The key is, being bold and gallant. She is looking for the knight on the big white Charger that she reads
    about in her stupid romance novels. Remember, after she decides to keep you, she will be throwing
    those books in the fireplace, where they belong, while trying to keep you warm!...
    Doc. Love

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    He's right, you know.

    And here's another oldie-but-goodie:

    The best way to get over a girl is to get under another one.

    That's right. Find yourself a wild-ass rebound sex cowgirl and start moving away from your ex and toward your new life.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #4
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    That's right. Find yourself a wild-ass rebound sex cowgirl and start moving away from your ex and toward your new life.
    Must admit, this doesn't work effectively.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Okay, then, if you have moral objections to this, at least start asking other girls out, how about that?

    Put more emphasis on EX- than girlfriend.
    Spammer Spanker

  6. #6
    anachronistic's Avatar
    anachronistic Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Gigabitch View Post
    Okay, then, if you have moral objections to this, at least start asking other girls out, how about that?

    Put more emphasis on EX- than girlfriend.
    Does that honestly work for you women?! Jumping right out of the sack and into another one.

    It's better for a guy to spend some alone time thinking, and then wait until he no longer misses his ex girlfriend, but misses having SOMEONE (in general) to love.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    He's been mooning about for SIX MONTHS. It's time to date someone else, for God's sake.
    Spammer Spanker

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2006
    STOP TALKIN TO HER DUDE. it'll hurt u and will take a lot of time but it is worth.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    thanks for the respones guys.
    i sounded more typical than i intended, im sure you guys get this same problem constantly, sorry for that.

    i've tried many things, i didn't talk or respond to her at all for like a month (granted i probably should go longer) and it was still in the back of mind.

    i would LOVE to find another girl to go on a few dates with, ive been on one or two here and there in the past 2 months but none of them have really clicked.

    all i can do is try right?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Other women do help... I don't believe in "Soul Mates" any more. Date as many as possible, and maybe find one worth keeping

    As for a time frame, I'm no one to tell you how long you should be hung up on this one. But Giga's right... nothing gets you over the last one like the next one.

    There are some things you just can't explain with the word... fate. You're just going to have to see it with your own eyes.
    - Taura

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I agree with the responses- you have to get out there, meet new people! You don't have to necessarily LOOK for that new relationship, it will probably happen when you least expect it... But you should keep yourself busy, and in the company of friends! Love will find you!
    I LOVE love poems:
    I also LOVE love quotes:


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    hello. Im think im in the same position as you. Though through a feminine perspective.
    We dated for the same length of time as you, but probably about 11 months ago.
    i can positively ensure you that dating another while still having her on your mind will not work out. I've tired dating another guy for the past 5 months; we experienced things sexually, we communicated everyday. But that one person was on the back of my head every so hour. not good -

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    The best way to get over a girl is to get under another one.

    That's right. Find yourself a wild-ass rebound sex cowgirl and start moving away from your ex and toward your new life.

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