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Thread: blast from the past

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    blast from the past

    when I was in college I dated a guy for 4 years - he was the love of my life and I know I was his - (we were each other's first) and we had the kind of romance that we thought would last forever. During the last 6 months of the relationship it got really ugly - we were always fighting and I couldn't take anymore we broke up - about 6 months later he started dating this girl and she got preganent and they married. they later divorce and I was told he got remarried and than I heard he divorce again. It's been 20 years since we dated but 11 years since we saw each other - I move to Michigan and he lives in California. Anyway, Thanksgiving weekend he call me out of the blue - he saw my college roommate and she give him my number. I never married. we exchange emails and we were emailing each other 5-6 times a day. He send me pictures of himself and his daughter and he told me that he was happy - dating but no seriously relationship. I told him that I was seeing so one and I do care for the new guy (but I know I'm not in love with him). Anyway all was going well - emailing each other and I called him once. All of a sudden all emails stop and I call him to found out what happen - he said that he wants us to be friends but not close friend and he thinks that I want an emotional relationship, which he doesn't want. I told him that if at anytime I did or said something wrong I apologize but I will respect his wishes and I will not email or call him as much (I was so excited to hear from him I was like a sponge soaking up information) anyway my birthday is 2 days before xmas and I thought I will get an email wishing me happy birthday or maybe a phone call (friends do that) anyway nope didn't hear from him on xmas day I text him a merry xmas - no respond. yesterday I received an email from him stating that he received my text and thanks for the good wishes and he wishes me and my family a happy new year. I was so distraught when i received his email - I thouhgt it was so cold. What do you think happen - why is he pushing me away - I'm 3000 miles away - did I did something or said something wrong. We didn't talk about the past and I don't want a romantic relationship - I just wish we can be friends- and let the past be the past and look forward to the now. What should I do - I'm so hurt he is acting this way. Why look me up just to disappointment me - at times I wish he never call me. Sorry this is so long but I'm so confused and flabbergasted.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I think that he is still connected to you but for some reason he is just affraid of all this again and is acting like this stupid...if he does not care he would not call you after so long time...
    good luck...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    At home
    Maybe this thing is best left in the past.
    I will not post links to dating sites in my signature.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Oh, Lily. Just cut him off. He's broken. If he thinks he can reconnect with his college sweetheart and not have an emotional relationship, there's something deeply, profoundly wrong with him.

    Run, now while you can.
    Spammer Spanker

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    On a trawler in the Med
    He's very emotionally messed up. Let it go. He started it (foolish) and he hurt you; but I think you are pretty strong. You don't need this. You've remained single because you like being above the fray. Secretly, he sees you as the rock in his stormy life. You should not have to play that role. You are not his mommy. Let it go.

  6. #6
    Mathias's Avatar
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    He was using you emotionally until he could move on to the next phase in his life.

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