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Thread: Help asap!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Help asap!

    So there is this girl that works at a restaurant with two of my friends. I've gone there at least like once a week for months now and every time I go in she is eyeballing me...and I would be a liar if I said I didn't do it back...So I just got out of a 6 year relationship and had nothing to lose and approached her. I got her number last night and instead of following the useless approach of waiting I sent her a text letting her know I was definitely interested in her and to have a good night. We then talked a bit before the other end trailed off. She has a kid and she bluntly told me she is in a relationship she is not happy with and just wants the company so thats why she is there. So I text her again today to see how her day was going. We got to talking and she said something about it being cold and I said it was good cuddle weather. She replied with that she isn't a very touchy person...which I told her that was a major problem in my last relationship and that I appreciate affection when its necessary...not always but frequently enough to know that I got it. Then I asked what she was looking for in a relationship right now...just to get a feel for the situation I am trying to get into. After that and another text going unanswered I left it with one last text saying Give me a call or text sometime this weekend if you get bored. Maybe I can take you to lunch Sunday before you head to work...am I headed in the right direction or am I over pursuing quick..a friend says I'm moving fast and that I may be coming off like I just want sex. I think the best way to get to know someone is to just go hang out...in public places together and talk. I'm not asking her to go get a room. I also invited her to go with me next weekend to a friends birthday party for his son...I simply said if you don't have work maybe you and Alex can come along. Any advice on the matter would be lovely and thanks for taking the time to read this!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Also of note last night before I got her number I asked if she was leaving me when she got cut and she said she was going to stick around and eat. So I asked if she wanted to come sit with me a friend and his daughter and she joined me. After that we were standing inside talking and I asked if she was going to let me have her number or make me keep chasing her. She gave me her number and I asked when it was okay to call or text and she said anytime. So I walked her to her car and we talked a bit. It was cold so I didn't drag it out plus she had to go get her son. So I told her to be safe and walked off no hug no pressure. In conversation she spoke of her current bf being obsessed with her. I responded by saying that I must be too if I came up there just to talk to her...She said no just interested, which is the case. I text her about 15-20 minutes later and said Definitely Interested I hope you have a good night and I get to hear from you soon. Don't be afraid to call or text me anytime.

  3. #3
    Tedel's Avatar
    Tedel Guest
    I think you're doing fine, just try not to be pushy.
    You know what jerks are like. Don't become one, that's it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    although i wouldn't say u texting her was pushing it, but i would watch out for the subject of your conversations.. if your not in a relationship yet and u keeping asking "well what would you do if ... happened to us" or wtv, she might feel a lil pushed and not as eager. I'd suggest just taking a step back, keep talking/hanging but no need to try and ask all those questions up front. They will be answered in time and as you get to know them. Your on the right track with getting to know someone by hanging with them in social settings.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    hmm, I'd say it's a bit too fast but depend on the time frame. if ALL the things you said happened within 2 weeks, then it's fast. add another two weeks more. I'd say she maybe had a thing for you, but if you keep balling in too fast, you don't want to become like what tedel said, a jerk. just take it slowly, you're doing fine alrite.

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