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Thread: what dose he mean by this..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    what dose he mean by this..

    ok, i met this amazing, sweet guy last spring, we started to hang out go for walks, movies ect. about 2 and 1/2 months into are friendship he told me he dint want a relationship with me.i said thats fine i wasent looking for one as i was in a on again off again FWB relationship with another guy. But then the other guy got a GF and that left me and him and we became FWB bad on my part i know. I fell in love with this guy that keeps telling me that he dosent want a relationship with me but i am amazing,he loves me and i am perfect in everyway and if he thought he was destined for a diffrent out come in life then we would be togeather. well 2 months ago he told me he let me get to close and we have stoped sleeping together. what dose he mean by that?. we still hang out 2-3 times aweek as we are friends before anything but the sparks are still there he cant keep his hands off me and we have to fight not kissing each other ..what do i do just keep with the friend thing and maybe something will come out of it in the end. its just so confusing cuse i know he cares for me i just dont get why he thinks as he says his destiny is to be alone for his life ..whats with that what do you guys think cuse im so lost i dont know anymore whats going on in his head..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hm. Well, that's why I don't do the FWB thing. It's like on the one Seinfeld where Jerry and Elaine do it and George was like, "You want what every man in the history of Earth has wanted-- To have his cake and eat it too!" his point being that it's impossible usually to separate feelings when its FWB stuff.

    ANYHOW..... It sounds like he has trust issues just like me. Maybe you should freeze him out for a while by not messing around with him but by still hanging out with him. Because you could just be like, "Well, you say you don't want a relationship or whatever but I do... so I can't mess around with you anymore." That might start some wheels turning in his head about... "Maybe I should try a relationship with her." It might push him to do that. Let me know how everything goes!

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