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Thread: Have you ever wondered..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Out in the garage

    Have you ever wondered..

    Hey guys. Have yall felt that whenever u miss someone alot, its when ur free or doing something that doesnt take much thinking.. and when you are out with your friends having fun, you tend to slip that person outta ya mind for awhile. Well.. its been happening alot to me lately cause of that lil problem i had in my previous topic.

    Forgetting someone sounds and said easy but actions differ. Its been a week now since ive decided to stop the thing that was going on with a girl i love that was attached. Thought it was best of both of us. Lately, the temptation to dial her up and wanting to meet her grew more and more. I felt the urge to talk to her, feel her and stroke her hair again but it would seem almost impossible to do that. People said "Time would heal all wounds" and i was skeptical of that. Sure we can find another person into our lives and sure we can always get another person to love and cherish BUT what still remains is memories.

    Memories will always be a part of you and remained there at the back of your head no matter how hard you try to hide it. The harder you try to hide it, the more painful it will be once your reminded. Whats harder to accept is that TT person is who you gave your heart up to but was betrayed in the end. Its sad but thats life. Most of us had to go through it at one time of our lives, never knowing what the future holds for us. Its when fate comes, gives and takes it away from you.

    "Everything happens for a reason" is something questionable. I didnt know why i met her and what purpose i was to her in her life and the answer could only be shown later in the future. Later as in seconds? minutes? hours? days? weeks? months? and even years. From past experience, i didnt wanna believe in fate. It has brought me happiness, fun, laughter and also sadness, pain and anguish. Is fate's main purpose was to toy with our frail hearts till we're scared to like or love anyone? I'm still searching for an answer. An answer that will answer all my purposes and questions in life.. Sorry if i took up your time if you're reading this. Wanted to share a piece of my mind with all of you.
    We all should look out for the finer things in life~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Well nameless-when youre going through the initial stages of getting over a relationship you dont see why you have a thousand unanswered questions and maybe you'll know but down the road you should become a stronger person. You have trials and tribulations in the dating world and when you think youve found the one and it goes to the shitter so do you...but youve got to get out and realize it DID happen for a reason...you can always be thankful that person came into your life-good or bad they were there for a reason. Someday you'll have a better understanding maybe not a full comprehension of why-but you'll be able to look back and be grateful for that person being in your life at that time.

    You'll always have your memories...but your own strength keeps you going man!!!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

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