So here is my story:

I am a rising senior in college and my girlfriend just graduated this past week. We have been dating for 9 months, and I pretty much lived in her apartment for the last 6 months of school. We had an amazing relationship. We both love each other, love spending time with each other, and have a great sex life.

We had a talk about the future of our relationship a little over a month ago. I told her that I wanted to stay together and try a long distance relationship (she will be about 1.5 hours away next year). She said she needed to be single and feel not tied down at her new job and in a new city. She also said she could see spending the rest of her life with me, but needed to experience life without me for awhile.

This is where things get sticky. She has told me she wants to talk a couple times a week to keep in touch and spend a weekend together at least once a month. With this kind of contact, I will never be able to get over her. I know I would be able to walk away if she said we were over, but I find it impossible to leave her while being strung along like this.

Any advice for a lost soul?