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Thread: I need help understanding my girlfriend.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    I need help understanding my girlfriend.

    My girlfriend and I have been going out four a little over six months; we have made some major breakthroughs and I feel like we are stronger than ever, but I am still having issues trusting her. I am a little old fashion, liking to believe that I can have life-long monogamous relationship. She recently got a full scholarship to attend a 2 year master’s program 400 miles away. I promised that I would do everything possible to be patient and faithful for her and we will attempt to see each other once every month or so, which made her purr like a kitten.

    The problem is, she comes from a much more liberal background. She feels like a lifelong monogamous relationship is not likely because her father was a cheat and her mother eventually pulled out of the relationship.

    She is hypersexual, which is good for me, but I worry how she’ll behave when the distance takes effect, though I know how upset she becomes when she hears of other people cheating.

    But on the flip, she constantly jokes about other guys. Two months into the relationship she joked about how the guy before me had a horse-sized dick. Or that if a certain male celebrity was at a party, I would not be invited. At a Mexican spa, where I dropped her off, she joked that the gate attendant could be her boyfriend. She knows that I get jealous, which I have made MAJOR efforts to curb, but I don’t understand why she is always pushing my buttons. Part of me thinks she’s testing me, but part of me thinks she really is interested in hooking up with other guys. Tonight, I mentioned that I would be willing to drive spontaneously to see her at school, and she joked that she would need more notice just in case she was hooking up with her professor. Then she asked, “Did that bother you when I said that? (I haven’t yet really responded)” I also see her checking out other guys, which is natural, but it still gets under my skin.

    She mentioned getting a new phone, and I suggested adding a line to my plan, which would be cheaper, but she retorted that she wouldn’t want me to have access to her texts or calls. I feel like there is a double standard, because she demands so much of me, asking who I’m hanging out with, or if I’ve met other girls, etc.

    I don’t want to paint her in a negative light, and I’m trying to write neutrally. I always come home to her and I have no reason to think she has actually cheated on me. She is emphatic that we are in a closed relationship, but why does she keep pushing my buttons? I know trust takes time to an extent.

  2. #2
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cboox View Post
    Two months into the relationship she joked about how the guy before me had a horse-sized dick.
    haha wow, that's cold.

    I don't know why she's pushing your buttons like that. But I wouldn't say its typical behaviour. I've never had a girlfriend that's made comments like that.

    I'd just give it back to her. Tell her about the girl who had the sweetest breasts you ever rubbed your face between.
    Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    She probably notices that you are jealous and keeps doing it on purpose...probably testing you to see how far it'll go...if you trust her, just let her do whatever...i don't think anything will happen if she's trustworthy...sometimes it's easy to know that in a girl, other times not so much.
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I suggest you tell her to cut the crap and show a bit more respect for your feelings, or she can continue this bullshit without you around.

    Part of a healthy relation is respect. Something that seems to be lacking here on her end.

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