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Thread: Is this with FM's only

  1. #1
    Moe's Avatar
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    Is this with FM's only

    Here goes.
    My EX. dumped me saying she wasn't happy the last two weeks we were together I thought things were perfect but i figure not.OK. I was an ass for the first 3-5 days needed to know why. We talked twice in length about what went wrong no blame just BS on her part.

    So I tried no contact and she called nearly every day for the next 2-3 weeks we talked for hours some time.

    I have only initiated contact maybe 3 times in 8 weeks now. She always contacts me.

    I'm now have my life back on tract and she seems to be getting mad with this. WTF She knows by the things I say when we talk. I am no longer a sap at her every whim. I am DeFeminised.

    She told a person she confides in as well as me she still loves me to death, can't get me out of her mind has even tried dating but won't see me she's afraid she'll want to be with me again. What? We do have six kids between us and I am very involved with her two.

    I again avoided her for the last several weeks and this week she calls/texts all frantic seeing if I'm OK because I ignored her lately.

    Is she just throwing me crumbs, does she still care?

    I do want her and love her BUT I am a man and it's all or nothing, she knows when I break up with someone I just disappear never to be seen again and I twice wanted to return all our belongings and she just says why do we need to do this. Once she never showed up.

    I don't want to through things away then she say in a month well you didn't want to wait.

  2. #2
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    you guys need to sit down and have one long ass talk

  3. #3
    Moe's Avatar
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    How do I ask her without coming off like a sap, or needy ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bumble_bee View Post
    you guys need to sit down and have one long ass talk

  4. #4
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    Just tell her what YOU want out of your relationship together. Tell her that you are not going to play the BS "let's be friends and see if it gets better from there" card.

    You tell her she also has to be more VOCAL about her feelings and communicate more openly with you. If she is NOT happy, then she should come and tell you "why".

  5. #5
    Moe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by damn2008 View Post
    Just tell her what YOU want out of your relationship together. Tell her that you are not going to play the BS "let's be friends and see if it gets better from there" card
    That's to the point and pretty clear.
    [/QUOTE]You tel her she also has to be more VOCAL about her feelings and communicate more openly with you. If she is NOT happy, then she should come and tell you "why".[/QUOTE]
    OK the next time she contacts me will do. Does it matter if it's over the phone because she will not see me alone still,(nearly eight weeks) do I demand this. One of the reason she don't want to see me is I read her face very well.

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