i have been dating my current boyfriend for four months now. it has gotten pretty deep. i love him so much and he has told me he is in love with me but i haven't done the same back. sometimes he is so sensitive and really wants me to know how much he adores me, thinks i'm beautiful, knows i'm the girl for him, etc.. he has even cried when he's messed up and made sure i knew how important i was to him. he says i'm the single most important thing in his life and i believe him but..
other times he's not so sensitive, but rather distant and unemotional.
maybe i'm over analyzing but i'm confused because he is the one who has spilled his feelings for me so much. i have given him less input about how i feel for him than he has so why is he the one shutting off? i feel like i'm giving my whole self to him and really showing how much i care about him, because i do and would do anything for him. it feels like he resists it. sometimes i want to just sit and relax and talk to him but we have a routine going where he's so restless he needs to be distracted by something like the tv or a video game. i just feel kind of ignored or that he doesn't want to have his undivided attention on me. for example i would like to take walks or something where we are one-on-one because it is those times that we are able to bond and connect much more.

another thing is he has a lot of problems and a lot of things going on in his life at all times. he lives with his parents and they don't trust him as far as they can throw him because he's a recovering addict with a pretty bad past. his parents upset him a lot and blame him for things and i know he's struggling.
i met him in the summer and he is doing so well and is clean, and i'm so proud of him. he tells me that if he hadn't met me he would have relapsed, says i'm the best girlfriend he could ask for and doesn't feel like he deserves me sometimes.

i forgot to mention that while he is clean off the drug he was addicted to, we both smoke weed. i know, bad. he went the longest time he ever has without smoking while we were together because we agreed he needed to stop and that it would be good for our relationship and his health but he started buying sacks again recently and i KNOW that this is a huge contributing factor to how i'm feeling. it puts everything to a halt and i always tell him how it makes me feel but we both do it late at night and just get so lame and pass out. i hate it.

but is it possible that he is tricking himself into thinking he loves me because he needs a safety blanket and is scared to be alone? or does it sound like he's true? i know he's capable of showing his love but maybe he's distracted by the obvious things and so i end up feeling like it's not enough. i'm so patient and understanding with him but have this underlying selfishness where i need to feel like everything is about me and us. i don't know, he tells me i over analyze and i think i do a lot of the time but i don't want this to be a codependent relationship like my last one which ended so badly.

sorry for the long story guys, what do you think?