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Thread: Is he cheating?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Is he cheating?

    I have been back and forth with my boyfriend for the last 2 years, and he has changed constantly. I obviously met him at a time in his life when he was insecure of who he was. He might still be..

    I don't know how to shorten the story, so I'm just gonna put up some examples of why I suspect he's being unfaithful to me.

    *We had a period where we were not officially a couple, but we still decided to be exclusive with each other. I found out that he had slept with several girls. When I confronted him, he lied at first and said "NO". But then he admitted it, and said he thought we weren't exclusive.. No one knew about our "relationship" at that time, and we never hung out with each others friends.

    *After a short break-up we got togheter, and agreed that this is it. We're both in 100% and everyone knows that. A month goes by, and I find out that he has lied to one of his female friends, that me and him are not really togheter "it's just a public joke" . I confront him, and he explains that he said so because he was trying to test a new flirting tactic on her..

    *He is 26 years old. He parties from thursday till sunday. Hangs out with his two male roomies. They have a party at their place several days a week. It has happened twice now, where I can't come - because it's a guys night out. The next day, pictures are posted on facebook from the party, and there are more girls there than guys.

    These are a few examples of what's happened. There are so many more situations, but I can't handle writing about them right now.

    I as a person believe that every human has it's own freedom. I want mine, so I give it back. I'd never tell a guy to not have female friends, or to hang out with his friends. I think it's healthy to feel free and not tied up by one another.

    Is he cheating on me, or is he just immature? Maybe afraid to commit? He says he loves me with all his heart, and I'm the only girl in this world for him. He says this on his own initiative, and not when something is wrong. That's why I believe him.

    I have never been so insecure about a guy in my entire life. But I truly love him, and I want for us to make it work. He's my man

    Please help me.

  2. #2
    qwertz's Avatar
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    the fact he lied about you being together and 'tried out a new flirt tactic'
    Thats bull sh*t. You should cut your losses and leave the jerk of a guy. I know its easy for me to say, but he has lied about that and saying you are not together and 'cheating' when you agreed to be together is not on.
    You will spend the rest of the realtionship feeling the way you do, but if you finish it, after you are over the split you will be so glad no to be with him.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

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