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Thread: Split with my first love 3 months ago...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Split with my first love 3 months ago...

    Hello firstly, never written a thread before so here goes!

    Basically, i was with my ex danny for nearly 3 years, met at 15 and he and i were both first love, first kiss etc. we used to argue on a daily basis and went through alot together but everything was fine, they were silly arguments that were over nothing, went on holiday this year to turkey in june and by the end of august he had ended it with me, had one of our silly little arguments and he randomly said thats it, i cant deal with it anymore, id pushed him away and it was all my fault, i was a mess, we continued sleeping together for a good month after he split as we were 'seeing how things went' he would tell me he loved me and sleep with me and then not talk until the next time he needed me for that reason.
    when i started seeing other people, i was not over danny, he was still always there, found out he was seeing someone else, we drank in the same pub, one night went to the pub, got really dressed up for him yet again and he decided that was it, he hated me and was done with me, a good 2 months later he came into the pub, hugged me was like you ok? really nice to me, i thought maybe we can be friends, walked to the car park and got in my friends car, i was very drunk, he practically begged me to come home with him, i was so happy i went home with him, he used me yet again as predicted when i thought it was going to be more.
    im so in love with him even now, every bloke i meet always compare them to danny and hes deleted me off facebook but yet i still check his hotmail emails to see what hes been up to, ive still got his number though hes deleted mine, i know he treats me badly but i dont think im ever going to leave this!
    hopefully someone can suggest something thank you x

  2. #2
    lhn's Avatar
    lhn is offline Registered User
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    Awww Emma... you sound like a nice lady and you're really stuck with feelings for a complete loser. Firstly, nothing will ever heal unless you change. Everything you do is a choice and being there as his quick-fix is not the way you should be living your life.

    I could go on and on about the do's & dont's but I get the feeling you know a lot of them already.

    Everyone on here will tell you to stop sleeping with him, simple as that. DO NOT DO IT AGAIN. Thats not something that will help you with moving on and not something that will make you two get back together.

    Secondly, don't pressure yourself to get with someone asap. You don't have to be with someone to fill a void as you are single. Being single has it's perks but in your situation, one of those shouldn't be to sleep with your ex. Thats making things slow, drab and dragging out a crap situation.

    Move on in your own time but don't let him control your emotions cos you are at the mo.
    Let him go... you'll have great times with someone else :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by qwerty123 View Post
    jeez i turn every argument round on a man, why take the blame if hes stupid enough to let you blame him about something totally different

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Danny is a ****ing asshole. Your friends, if they were any kind of friends at all, would keep you away from this destructive, hurtful piece of shit.

    Don't ever, ever speak to him again.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Syracuse, NY
    I wish I went through my first love at 15. If I did (and not at 23 as a man-child), I might be a completely different person and would have been ready for the girl I just blew it with.

    Learn from this, recognize both what he did wrong and what you did wrong. It takes two for a relationship to go wrong.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Thank you so much for your lovely replys,
    unfortunatly, no matter how hard i try to move on,nobody is going to come close to danny as he is and was my first love, im always going to be comparing and running back to him & i guessd he knows this, found out he is now seeing some other girl who is pregnant and hes gonna father her baby, just what i wanted to know after id slept with him!

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